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Issue with Habanero Plant

Hey guys... Long time reader, first time poster... I noticed this morning a bit of discoloration on one of the leaves of my habanero plant. I've not had any issues with it before aside from spider mites moving in but was able to nip that in the butt pretty quickly with two rounds of neem oil treatment. I even re-potted it as an extra precaution. Right now it's in a 6 inch pot with the 6 month miracle gro potting mix. Here are some over all pictures of plant and the best close up of the leaf issue I could get with my iphone. Where it is discolored the leaf feels dry and somewhat flaky. Any ideas on what the issue is and how I can fix it. Any suggestions on a better potting arrangement would be greatly appreiacted as well.



Now for the leaf issue



Thanks again guys!

6 month MG.... are you using any other ferts with that? from what I hear the MG slow release mixs can sometimes release too quickly or not at all then bam lets a heap go at once causing over fertilisation, particully if you are using extra ferts. On the other hand could be sun burn?? Has it made it's way outside yet? Or what sort of lighting are you using?? How long ago did you have the spider mites? could be scarring from them?? All just ideas not quite sure though.

EDIT: I doubt from the looks that it is over fertilisation but just thought I'd put that in there.
No issues on any other leafs, just this one.

It was started indoors as a seed and has not made it outside. Using 4, 4ft R12 lights... so far its been working pretty well with anything I've put under it the last few months.