seeds Issues with two Seedlings

Hey Guys,

Any thoughts on what would cause this?  These guys were started in trays, then transplanted to plastic cups.  The soil is just Kellog Potting mix.  All of my other seedlings are doing fine.  These have never had ferts yet.
Bell Pepper - Has yellow center leaves, and the the other set has a weird texture pattern

Next is a Butch T - some leaves are curling in wards, and two look scorched.
Well if your using this potting mix that i just picked up from HomeDepot...



By the looks of it, kinda high for a potting mix right... So it might be fertilizer burn that your dealing with...
I have about 30 other seedlings that are working great in those so not too worried.

Although all of my onions are limp and laying down :/
That's odd. That is the exact same Analysis on their Amend Soil too, but the ingredients are a little different. 