It Worked woohooo

Seems my "incubator works,I had 2 Seedlings pop today,the Jalapeno and Serrano.And I was considering starting over:lol:
Now to get the other 7 to pop :lol: maybe get a pic up tonight (Im too lazy today)
Yep it was exciting indeed.(considering I was gonnacrash the incubator and start over I was afraid it wasnt warm enough but I guess it is :))Now im searching for grow lights :lol:
gonna get some tomorrow but I have to get some cheapos dont wanna get into the puppy fund :lol:
Wal-Mart. (Though I bought mine at a locally owned store and spent a couple dollars more). You should be able to get the fixture and lamps for $15 or less.


here are the new Sprouts :) Jalapeno(left) Serrano (right)

You know, I used to say that too...oops, wrong chat room...sorry..

Congrats on the sprouts, may they grow into great peppers for your salsa and other recipes...
Congrats!!! They're so cute at that stage.

I didn't check the price at WM, but I got a 4 foot, 2 bulb, shoplight at Home Depot for $8.53. No assembly required and comes with 18" chains.
Poisonette said:
Congrats!!! They're so cute at that stage.

I didn't check the price at WM, but I got a 4 foot, 2 bulb, shoplight at Home Depot for $8.53. No assembly required and comes with 18" chains.

That is great!!! I bought my lights at Walmart and I think I got them around $8.53 and sounds like the same setup.