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I've had all I can stands, and I can't stands no more!

I love my orange habs. Really I do. Hot, tasty, bountiful.

Thing is, I've got 8 of them planted. I also have three of the yellow short tabascos in the ground, which imo is two too many. The freaking things are gigantic and have wee lil tabasco pods everywhere.

No more. Next year, I do things right.

Next year, 4 habs max. I'll still get plenty of pods, but I want that space for other stuff.

I want fatallis.

I had two this year I bought. One died a horrible death, the other is struggling along but with bad pod drop. The one pod I caught right as it fell had about a third of an inch of ripe area, and it tasted really nice, I can see what the buzz is about. I want more.

This post is dedicated to you, Mr. Orange Habanero. You were my first hot pepper and I'll always have a spot in my garden for you, but the times they are a changing.

You helped me stretch my wings and start to fly, but now it's time to range further afield.

Don't think of this as me ending our relationship. That will never happen. I've grown, though, and you've taught me well, and now it's time for me to begin to embrace the power you've bestowed upon me.

We still have the rest of the growing season together, maestro. We are going to go out in style. Just as you've taught me how to be a better gardner, now you will teach me to be better in the kitchen. We will dance the dance of concentrate making and sing the songs of hope for the new year.

Next year, you will be there, ever faithful, watching over me in my garden as I grow different varieties. You will be there in my kitchen as I try to do justice to them in a simmering pot and a pressure canner. You will laugh at me while I eat new and tasty and hot stuff on camera for the lulz.

Walk with me, Orange Hab, head and pods held high, into the future.
MrArboc said:
Beautiful! Are you a poet by any chanse?

If I were, that would have been a Martin Silenus moment. I seriously had no idea the post would take that tack. It just sort of flowed out of me.
I hear ya on the tabascos. I grew em last year and swore I'd never put myself through that pickin nightmare again.

Hope your Fatalii recovers.
lol... It can be said you really are devoted to the Habs.

For me, they are to hot.. Don't know if I will ever be able to ingest them, But I use them for pain relief & medical purposes.

I applaud you for your heart felt note & I am sure they will understand. ;)

Long live the Chilli's :)
CayenneLover said:
lol... It can be said you really are devoted to the Habs.

For me, they are to hot..

Remember this statement. We'll see if you stand by it two years from now! I said the same thing about 3 years ago - I was scared sh*tless of all the pods forming on my balconyplant but now I use habs every chanse I get:)
CayenneLover said:
lol... It can be said you really are devoted to the Habs.

For me, they are to hot.. Don't know if I will ever be able to ingest them, But I use them for pain relief & medical purposes.

I applaud you for your heart felt note & I am sure they will understand. ;)

Long live the Chilli's :)

MrArboc said:
Remember this statement. We'll see if you stand by it two years from now! I said the same thing about 3 years ago - I was scared sh*tless of all the pods forming on my balconyplant but now I use habs every chanse I get:)

Truer words were never spoken Mr. Arboc! I thought the same thing when I started growing hot peppers. I only wanted Cayenne's and serrano's. I've expanded into orange habs and thanks to a few extremely generous people on this forum, I've expanded into the superhots. I've got a few Dorset naga's growing, and am trying to get some Bhuts going as well. I have a Red Savina that's still in seedling stage right now.

Either way CayenneLover you may be like me, you just need to find the proper recipe to use the hotter peppers in and tailor it to suit your tolerances. For example, I recently made some Jamaican Jerk Pork Tenderloin and found that although I couldn't take the full recipe, which calls for 16 Scotch Bonnets or Habs, I can take it with 11. Very tasty!

Your tolerance will increase over time as well. I had a hard time with small amounts of cayenne pepper, but now we put it in pretty much all the dishes we make in addition to actual peppers. After awhile you'll start craving hotter and hotter foods. You'll probably also be disappointed when the heat level isn't quite up to snuff. It's just the way it goes.
Absolute tear jerker Skydiver....:clap:

I was the same way...The orange hab was my first REALLY hot chilli and I had 2 plants going in the garden. That was 2 years ago and I still have 2 shopping bags full of them in the freezer and about a pound of bloody powder....:lol:

I love the this chilli but it will be many years before I grow it again.......

In regards to the tabasco, I had 2 plants last year and again I have 1 large shopping bag full of them and I plan to make a chipotle tabasco sauce with them in the coming weeks, but yeah, picking them all is a big job......
Here i am, and i have just sowed
About ten little seeds
Buried in the dirt, waiting for the stems to become bowed
At last i will try to grow something other than weeds
Nagas are last years gold, this season for me the habs will unfold
Ever so gently the plants will consume their feed
Racing each other to see
Over reacting me

First time growing habs for myself this year :P