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J.Arthur Bowers Blended Farm Manure

Just thinking ahead for next year, has anyone used this stuff or anything similar? I can't find much in the way of details except this...


Made from composted animal manure, straw and limestone. It says the Ph is around 7.0-7.5, I'll be using it on strawberries, aubergines and chillies. It has the very alluring qualities of being cheap and easily procurable, so what do peepuls think?

*** I was thinking using maybe 50% of this stuff http://www.creativeg...john-innes-no-3 (as it's not too expensive and has free delivery to), 30% of the J.A.B blended farm manure, 10% Vermiculite and 10% Perlite. Would that be a reasonable potting mix do you reckon? ***
sounds good to me.. im a noob at growing, but maybe you could use a bit more verm in the mixture.. peppers love drainage.

Hi fish, its a good point, maybe up the vermiculite to around 20% and lower the JI down to about 40%. This is my first "proper" year so I'm still a bit green, learning new stuff all the time :)