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Jalapeno flowers and a fallen baby


I was fussing over the plant today making sure no aphids had come back, they haven't..yay! And these flowers were so pretty against the backlight from the window I thought I'd snap a couple pics.

Tough shooting from underneath the foliage..I was literally holding the ccamera upside down whilst messing with settings. :lol:

Also I found an extremely little baby pod that had fallen off..I prolly did it though...Oops.



Looking good!

Just from what I found out this year with mine, I had pods and flowers fall off for about two weeks back in June, I got pretty worried, I thought I had stung em with fertilizer or something. After that, they just stopped and now I have jalapenos out the wazoo. I never did anything to them, I just made sure they stayed watered.
Yeah, the plant is very healthy now, I prolly just knocked off while trying to photograph the flower..lol

It has tons of flowers and buds yet so no worries. :)
The picture's still nice anyway QS, on or off the plant. I can't count the number of times I've knocked a potential chilli off the plant (too many). Only tonight I knocked a green fully grown Peach Hab off, such a clumsy cow :rolleyes:
rainbowberry said:
The picture's still nice anyway QS, on or off the plant. I can't count the number of times I've knocked a potential chilli off the plant (too many). Only tonight I knocked a green fully grown Peach Hab off, such a clumsy cow :rolleyes:

Thanks RB, and in no shape or manner could I see you as a bovine... ;)

Here's another pic I forgot to post..bit fuzzy trying to do uber-close without a tripod, but WTH eh?

Good pics and aside from that I can second what RB said (not the cow part, mind you! :))! I almost knocked a hab off myself today when I moved one plant out of the direct and extreme sunlight, because it didn't seem to appreciate it that much...

My Jalapenos lost a lot of flowers at first, but now they are full of pods. Funnily enough, the first flower (the one I posted in the thread linked to below) turned into a big, healthy pod that took ages to ripen and the next 10 or so just got dropped, maybe it was due to transplanting them.