food Jalapeno Jelly Recipe


1 large green LaRouge Pepper
12 jalapeno peppers
1 1/2 cups apple cider vinegar
4 1/4 cups granulated sugar
4 ounces liquid pectin
4 jalapeno peppers, seeded and finely chopped
2 mini bell peppers, orange and red, seeded and finely chopped


Combine the green bell pepper and 12 jalapeno peppers in the container of a food processor or blender.
Process until finely minced.

Move the peppers to a pan, and stir in the cider vinegar. Bring to a boil, and let
simmer for 15 to 20 minutes. Strain the mixture through a jelly cloth.
Makes about 1 cup of liquid.

Return the liquid to the pan, and stir in the sugar until dissolved.
Bring to a boil over medium heat. When the mixture comes to a rolling boil (one that cannot be stirred down), boil for one minute,
then stir in the liquid pectin.

I like to let this boil until I get it to sheet off a metal spoon.

Stir in the remaining jalapeno and mini bell peppers you diced up.

Ladle into sterile jars leaving 1/4 inch headspace.

Seal jars in a hot water bath.

I have switched to Billy Biker and Goliath peppers this year and 12 peppers will make you 2 cups of juice when you strain out the pulp. More than the recipe calls for, but the batch I made today worked out fine. Excellent flavor to top off pork roast or chicken breasts.

Made 6 (1/2 pints)
Nice. I tried some Jelly a while back. I was unable to get it to set. I have been meaning to get it down to try to reset but I havnt yet.
If it sets a little stiff on you, then just put what you need in a dish and microwave it a little. Then stir the piss out of it and microwave a little more. It will thin down right to where you want it.

Don't over microwave it or you will end up with juice.
Mine actually came out really sticky. Not firm like a jelly, and not soft like a jam. Sticky like hot candy, but it's cold. If that makes sense. I think I might have gotten it too hot, it did boil over and make a mess right before I threw the pectin in it.