jamaican hot chocolate question or maybe Capsicum Chinense question in general

Long time fan of this pod first time growing.
Of all my plants this little guy is producing like crazy and it seems to soon. Only outside for 3 weeks. Not even a foot tall and already dropping 8-12 pods. Is this normal for this plant? I'm asking in case I should have been topping the early stuff. This plant showed up with a lot of blooms before transplant. Also needed 0 hardening. I put it out in full sun from being in 69deg AC for days and nothing - if anything it got greener and obviously taller but all the other plants except the Serrano wilted and some scorched for a few days. Same transplant date, watering, pot, soil, fert and sun.

So - early blooms cut or no cut?
Also this is a super hearty plant. I'm going to overwinter this one for sure seems bullet proof and will share seeds. It grows dense from the get go.
I grew out 3 JHC plants last year.  2 of them were as you described: super-productive, seemingly indestructible, all-around awesome.   The third was more of a normal hab-type; meaning, still pretty hardy and productive, but not as early and unstoppable as the others.  The one plant, in particular, was very early to produce.  And none of the three grew as tall as most of my other chinense.  So, basically, i wouldn´t worry about it.  Enjoy those pods, overwinter the plant, save seeds, etc.  Don´t remove those early buds; the plant will drop flowers if it isn´t ready to produce so if it´s hanging 8-12 pods, it´s likely ready.  Remember, in most cases, your plant will know what it needs better than you will, right?  =D
Not doing any JHCH this year, but have the last three years.
In my experience, the JHCH is very  extremely productive. Although I never actually counted, I would estimate 200 or more pods from a single plant.
Bicycle808 said:
I grew out 3 JHC plants last year.  2 of them were as you described: super-productive, seemingly indestructible, all-around awesome.   The third was more of a normal hab-type; meaning, still pretty hardy and productive, but not as early and unstoppable as the others.  The one plant, in particular, was very early to produce.  And none of the three grew as tall as most of my other chinense.  So, basically, i wouldn´t worry about it.  Enjoy those pods, overwinter the plant, save seeds, etc.  Don´t remove those early buds; the plant will drop flowers if it isn´t ready to produce so if it´s hanging 8-12 pods, it´s likely ready.  Remember, in most cases, your plant will know what it needs better than you will, right?  =D
:) That makes a lot of sense. I forget to trust the plants all the time. But at least I don't act before running it by you guys I guess. Thanks for help
alkhall said:
Not doing any JHCH this year, but have the last three years.
In my experience, the JHCH is very  extremely productive. Although I never actually counted, I would estimate 200 or more pods from a single plant.
Good to hear - I'm looking forward to those babies. Probably going to have to freeze some if I get that many.
Very true. I don't usually make powder but should. Guessing you have to let some of these guys set for a while after making powder before pouring into the storage device. So you don't coat your lungs in heat dust.
If you get a bulk of powder do you freeze it or is it OK in a dark place with as little oxygen as possible available to the powder?