Jamaican Hot Chocolate

I'm newish (2 years) to growing hot peppers and I was planning on growing "Jamaican Hot Chocolate", but having a little trouble finding them.
I was wondering if that is their true name or if they are a type of habanero or scotch bonnet?
Thank you!
JHC are really yummy! One of my favorites for sure. I originally read that someone found one brown pepper mixed in with others in a market in Jamaica, and then brought the seeds back. True or not, they taste amazing.
I know they are listed on refining fire chiles site.
Here is a good list of other places to look for it.

I have many openly pollinated seeds from last season if you would like to try them. They were grown with many other plants, so always a chance of a cross popping up.
They also take forever to germinate, in my experience. +30 days for me with my seeds that i know were mature. Pm me if your are interested.

A shot of them from last season.
Wonderful chilis. My favourite Habanero. Jim Duffy at Refining Fire Chilis has seeds and possibly plants, too. 
I just posted this a few days ago,