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Jamaican Yellow Mushroom: annuum or chinense?

I've read that there are both annuum and chinense varieties called "Jamaican Yellow Mushroom." This is a plant I had bought which was sold as a chinense, but it looks like an annuum to me. I believe the source of the plant is about as reliable as it gets. Any thoughts? Mistake? Accurate? Thanks.

Now I am confused.....

[background=rgb(219, 254, 131)]ATTENTION YOUR ORDER MUST BE 6 OR MORE PLANTS TOTAL OR IT WILL BE CANCELLED! You are purchasing Jamaican Yellow Mushroom Pepper plants. They grow well in full sun. I grow mine in pots using Sunshine Growers Mix #1 by Sungro. Jamaican Yellow Mushroom-capsicum chinense-Also called Yellow squash pepper although there are other squash type capsicum annum types that grow in Jamaica and parts of the Caribbean.[/background]
Duffy likes Sunshine #1, that was how I recognized that description........

He apparently thinks they are chinense, most assume squash and mushroom peppers to be annuum.
Duffy likes Sunshine #1, that was how I recognized that description........

He apparently thinks they are chinense, most assume squash and mushroom peppers to be annuum.

I can see from the listing a photo containing leaves that are highly likely to be C. Annuum leaves (not to mention the calyx on the pods).

I am reminded of what I bought as Scotch Bonnet Yellow seeds that were labelled as otherwise known as Jamaican Yellow from a different vendor. After pointing out many of the C. Annuum traits of the plant and the pods via a multiple e-mail message conversation this vendor finally changed the listing from C. Chinense Scotch Bonnet Yellow to C. Chinense Jamaican Yellow. This is despite the description remaining one pulled from elsewhere of a Scotch Bonnet . :banghead:

I previously came across yet another vendor listing a C. Chinense Jamaican Yellow Mushroom though with different looking pods. The listing is gone now and will hopefully stay that way to avoid adding to the confusion.