contest JayT vs. megamoo

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The Hot Pepper


JayT (Reigning Champ) vs. megamoo (Challenger)

Throwdown: Pizza

You must create a pizza. The focus is on the pizza, no side dishes unless it is necessary for the meal.

Proof of Life = .90 (coins in one picture totaling the amount)

You may post as many teaser pics, and progress pics as you want.

You must create one official entry post with a name for your creation, ingredients, cooking methods, and TWO MAX presentation pics! Choose the best. If you wish to add more pics make sure you do so in unofficial entry posts before your final post.

Must have a hot pepper ingredient.

Those are the rules. If you have questions please get together with your competitor to figure it out.


ENDS Sunday 10 pm EDT
I have been giving this a bit of thought and have now decided on the perfect pizza for this throwdown. Shortly, I will begin with the dough...
Ya know it! I will even tell you what it is going to be. Grilled Margherita pizza THPercized.
Nice move. Showing your hand early.
Looks like a fine day for grilled pizza in Mountville. Hardly a chance of rain.
Can't wait!
will be interesting to see what comes out of the "oven"

good luck to both of you
Hmm.... is mega holding his cards close to his chest, or just overwhelmed by the prospect of competing with JayT??? LOL
have ya'll started cookin' yet?
I guess you guys haven't figured out how to turn on the gas on your grills huh...

I have never made dough before so I am about to make a chillifree test pizza for the kids. Then they are off to the grandparents for the day and the real action is going to happen.

And yes geeme I could tell you what it will be but then I'd have to kill you :scared:
Never made dough before and calling out Jay? Have mercy!! Like me callin' out Billy Gibbons.

I sense I should be scared by that comment but I'm not because I have now made dough and its awesome and I have no idea who Billy Gibbons is.

Confidence through ignorance. :D
Well I'm a beginner at making the dough but I have been making pizza for many years!

Teaser pics

forgot two things

this is where I'm at right now

got some prep to do now
I guess I should have taken a couple of pics already, but I didn't want to bore anyone with my dough making. The dough is a rising and we shall have pizza by noon today I believe. Megamoo, I want to wish you luck and I really want to know what a baby rocket is, but am afraid to ask.
I guess I should have taken a couple of pics already, but I didn't want to bore anyone with my dough making. The dough is a rising and we shall have pizza by noon today I believe. Megamoo, I want to wish you luck and I really want to know what a baby rocket is, but am afraid to ask.

rocket is arugula
I am about to roll the dough
good luck to you also

May the best rolling pin win :dance:
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