• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Jazzman's Grow Log - 2013

Hi all,

This is my first season growing much of anything, so im excited to see how this year turns out. I figured that beginning a grow log would really help me keep track of what i do and how the season unfolds.

I started out growing peppers really unexpectedly. There was an organics fair on the University campus that i attend (i'm a fourth year student) and i happened to stop by a booth with a woman selling seeds. a pack of Chinese 5 Color seeds caught my eye and, on a whim, i purchased them. I started those seeds in a little plastic "greenhouse" container in seedling starter soil around the beginning of March and almost all of the seeds germinated.

While that was going on, my interest in peppers kind of took off, and i planted a couple pepper seeds from grocery store fruit (Thai Chills, Yellow Hots, and Orange Habs) as well as 5 types i purchased from Trade Winds Fruits (Scotch Bonnets, Peach Habs, Trinidad Scorpions, Filius Blue, Brown Fatalii) and a last-minute purchase at Canadian Tire of some Hot Lemon pepper seeds.

After having some problems with my 5-colors getting pretty stringy, i bought a 4' shop light with a couple fluorescent bulbs and set it up under my desk (if i figure out how to add pics, i will :) ).

As for the peppers themselves, i now have 13 5-colors, around 7 Thai chilis, and tons of sprouts from the Hot Lemon and Scotch Bonnets. I am just beginning to see some action on the Filius Blues and Fatalii, and the beginnings of some growth in the Orange Habs.

I'm excited to keep going with this season, and i am looking forward to when the weather starts to actually warm up.

Lemme know what you think, and if you have any tips that you think i should try with my peppers! i'm all ears. Sorry for the long write-up, i'm not sure how to add pictures from my computer onto the forum yet :P help on that would be great too!

Sorry for the overdue reply here! it's been a busy week at the Zoo.

Ok, so i just put up a couple pics on photo bucket:

My Setup
- i bought a 4' shop light from a local hardware store and a couple 4100K fluorescents. i don't know all the ins and outs of the lighting deal, so i just bought a couple lights and figured i can switch them out if i find that these ones have problems. so far they seem to have been working well.

My Chinese 5 Colors
- All my 5-colors are a bit stringy because i started out by having them near a west-facing window that didn't get more than a couple hours of direct sunlight a day. They started falling over on me a little bit, so i picked up the fluorescent to see if it would help with that.

Thai Chilis
- i bought some Thais from my local grocery store and, on a whim, decided to attempt to plant the seeds. surprisingly, they germinated really well. I'll have to transplant them out soon, they are getting a little crowded in the pot that they are all in.

Scotch Bonnets
- i bought a bunch of seeds from TradeWinds fruits and planted them all out. the Scotch Bonnets i bought seem to be doing really well!

Hot Lemon
- i picked these seeds up from Canadian Tire on a whim (this was late in the pepper addiction game; i was just looking for more peppers to plant :P)

- not as many have germinated through as i would have liked, but they don't seem to be faring too badly. they were the first to sprout, but everyone else quickly caught up

Filius Blues
- loving the leaves, but one of them (you can see in the pic) doesn't have the dark leaves. ill be sure to separate it out and let you know what comes out!

Trinidad Scorpions
- considering what i've read, i was surprised that i am having the success that i have had with them.

Peach Habaneros
- Loving how they're looking, and these are the ones i'm most excited to see come to fruit.

Orange Habaneros
- after i had planted everything, i decided i really needed to try a habanero before growing them. i bought a couple and tried one, and boy did it knock me on my butt! after trying it, i figured "what the heck, why not plant a few of these seeds, and see what happens?"

Still no sign of germination on the Yellow Hots, but i hold out hope that i'll see some action soon!

Sorry for the long post guys, and i hope you like the pics! lemme know if anything doesn't work :P
Nice looking plants! They look a bit leggy, you might want to put some more soil around the stems, other then that they look great! Also make sure you have a fan on em if you dont already. Nice glog update!
Thanks for the tips! ill be sure to throw some more soil around them, and i've already got a fan hooked up (its just outside the camera shot haha).
Hey Guys!
things have been really busy since i last posted, and definitely A LOT has changed in terms of my peppers since my last update. Where to begin!! :p
Firstly, i had some very sketchy electrical problems with the hardware store shop light, and had to replace it with a wide spectrum grow light designed for this stuff. it has been working wonderfully ever since, and i sorely wish that i had bought it since day one!
As for the peppers themselves, i moved a lot of them out to my (very small) deck. here are some pics


While much of the 'collection' was moved out to the deck, i kept the grow light setup as a backup plan in case anything happened to the ones outside.  I kept the peach habaneros, thai chilis, brown fataliis, trinidad scorpions, my prized filius blue, and an assortment of hot lemon, chinese 5-color, and orange habaneros inside. 
and now, to go through the crazy and ever-expanding list of peppers that i seem to have accrued....
Chinese 5-colors
- they are doing great, and i have tons of beautiful purple peppers. only one pepper has turned to white-yellow, but i am expecting more to turn soon. very beautiful plants!
Thai Chilis
- i have not had the success that i was expecting with these seeds. due to my grocery-store seeds, i knew from the beginning that i wasn't going to be getting the best genetic material. the plants are all stunted, and many of them stopped growing outwards and have been surpassed by all the other peppers i planted after them.
Scotch Bonnet
-not much to tell here, they are still growing, but they are very slow. 
- i didn't have enough room, and i have ended up with only one fatalii plant left. it is very highly branched, and the huge leaves that it started with were so much fun to watch grow!
Filius Blue
- easily one of my favourites from the ones i grew from seed! i'm noticing alot of variety between all of them though.... my inside one has beautifully mixed purple and green leaves, with some nice royal purple peppers, while the outside ones vary between majorly dark purple leaves with purple peppers all the way to no purple at all in the leaves and dark, almost black, peppers. pictures will be up soon, i promise!
Trinidad Scorpion
- ive had a string of bad luck with these guys. while the seeds that i had planted germinated through successfully, i didn't have enough room to properly transplant them all. i ended up with 5 good ones, and many of my coworkers at the zoo wanted one so i gave some away. After whittling my stash down to two pepper plants, the one i had put outside fell off the balcony (due to improper placement on my part :p). now i have one solid-looking Scorpion that is slowly growing upwards indoors.
Peach Habanero
- i have yet to have them flower, and honestly i think they are a while away from getting peppers yet. when they say long season growers, they sure mean it! i still have my fingers crossed, and i will continue to keep them indoors under lighting until they pepper out. 
Orange Habanero
- i was pleasantly surprised by these seeds, as i got them from the grocery store and wasn't sure of the seed quality. i have one Orange Hab that is just about to flower out, and two more that are slowly growing their way to flowering.
New Purchases
- Medusa: ornamental peppers are absolutely gorgeous! im very glad that i got into them.
- Burning Ember
- Purple Flash: love the leaves!
- Black Pearl: got one at a local nursery and can see why people use it as an accent plant. the leaves and peppers are so different
- Naga Chili: getting to be a huge plant! nursery purchase
- Dorset Naga (Ghost Pepper): my roomate is a Hosta collector, and in exchange for me picking up some hostas for him, he found me this Ghost pepper and the Chocolate Bhut. tons of peppers, and loving the look.
- Naga Bhut Jolokia: really highly branched out, stretched waaaay out to the side instead of growing upwards! 
sorry for all the writing guys, my next post will be pictures only, i promise :)

My first Hab turning!

From left to right: Burning Ember, Medusa, Purple Flash

A couple of my Chinese 5-Color peppers. i got too excited and couldnt help but try a couple!

A cheetah at the Zoo

and finally, did i mention i have 3 new family members? 3 new leopard geckos :)
Hey Guys!
just a quick update with some pics. im getting alot of stuff ripening (finally!) so ive been trying to figure out what works best for preservation. Ive done a little bit of dehydrating both to preserve some seeds and then to try and dehydrate some peppers. ive had mixed results, but im hoping to do some more in the coming weeks. 
Heres some peppers i dehydrated

and heres the dehydrator setup with seeds (i put everything in at once and took the seeds out before turning the heat up a bit for the peppers)

some of my scotch bonnets are turning, so thats exciting!

and my 5-colours are showing all the colours now

Lastly, i bought a couple plants from various people that they didnt label properly or didnt have the specific name for. The first of these was called an "Indian Hot Pepper", but didn't have more information. its stunningly hot, and looks really cool. ive got a pod or two turning, and figured id ask you guys

this next one was sold to me in a basket with three plants in it. i am fairly certain one of them is a filius blue, but the other two look the same. They both go purple to red, but one of them has a startlingly intense heat that has floored a few of my friends, and the last one has almost no heat at all. 

hope you guys enjoy the pics! im loving my first year doing this, and im already getting excited for next years' grow!
Hey guys,
Ive put off writing the "end of season" blog update for waaaaay too long. In the midst of moving house, finishing my schooling, and starting a new job, my glog got put down to the bottom of my list of things to do :P
Anyways, i had a great season with lots of learning and i am extremely excited to start my 2014 seeds.
By the end of the season i had some great looking plants, and tons of peppers to boot!
i started off with a small trickle of peppers, but there was something strangely satisfying to try something id grown completely from seed. of course, the burn quickly replaced that feeling with a desperate need for milk, but hey - thats what success tastes like in this hobby, eh? :D
My Initial Trickle of Peppers

A Chocolate Bhut, looking great in the sunlight

At the end of the season (after giving a bunch to friends, and having another buddy pickle a bunch) i had a lot of pods left over, so i decided to dehydrate them. It was one hell of an afternoon, ill tell you that! watering eyes, and a little bit of burn in my nose both made me smarten up and open all the windows in the kitchen, AND made sure to sear the memory of my first big harvest into my brain haha.





Definitely a great year, and i plan to go bigger next year! after all the fun, I'm hoping that i can keep a more detailed grow log, and as a christmas present to myself i have put in my seed orders and am anxiously waiting by the mailbox for them to come. 
Ill be starting up my new Glog soon, and I'm excited to share my hopeful successes with you guys in the new 2014 season!!
Happy Growing, everyone - and a Happy New Years to all you Chiliheads out there
Haha yes, i do. My parents - after hearing of my Chili-headedness - decided to surprise me for christmas with a grow shelf unit:

Since i now seem to have the space to start TONS of seeds, i figured i'd live vicariously on the pepper front and dream big! 
The list right now is tentative; I'm just waiting until all the seeds arrive and i calculate out the space and such to see just how much i can plant out, but I'm very excited for it.
Heres the List
on its way from Jim Duffy (Refining Fire)
1.     Congo Black Habanero 
2.     Jamaican Chocolate Habanero
3.     Jay’s Peach Ghost Scorpion
4.     Trinidad 7 Pot Primo
On its Way (TradeWinds Fruit)
5.     Paper Lantern Habanero
6.     Tobago Seasoning Pepper
7.     Manzano Pepper
8.     White Habanero
9.     Padron Pepper
10. Jamaican Hot Chocolate
11. Bahamian Pepper
12. Thai Pepper
13. Flaming Icicle Pepper
14. Black Habanero
15. 7 Pot Barrackpore
Seed packs i picked up last year
16. Long Red Cayenne
17. Marconi Rosso Pepper
18. Hungarian Yellow Sweet Banana
19. Pimento Pepper
20. Pepperoncini Italian Pepper
21. Early Jalapeno
22. Hot Lemon Pepper
Last year's seeds
23. 7 Pot Red
24. Scotch Bonnet
25. Devil’s Breath
26. Caribbean Red Habanero
27. Naga Jolokia
28. Chinese 5-Colour
29. Red Habanero (grocery store)
30. Filius Blue
31. Black Pearl
32. Crimson Red Pepper (grocery store)
33. Chocolate Habanero
34. Orange Habanero
35. Purple Flash
36. Naga Bhut Jolokia
37. Nepali Orange
38. Chocolate Bhut Jolokia
39. Portugal Hot Pepper
40. Alternate Ghost Pepper
41. Burning Ember
Last year's Tradewinds order
42. Scotch Bonnet Red
43. Trinidad Scorpion
44. Filius Blue (original Seeds)
45. Chocolate Fatalii
46. Peach Habanero
Mega's Seeds
1. Carolina Reaper
2. 7 Pot Bubblegum
3. 7 pot Douglah
4. 7 Pot Brain Strain
What Im hoping to get still :P
1.     Big Sun Habanero
3.     Red Savina
4.     Hot Portugal (cause I don’t wanna rely solely on my seeds - the peppers are too good!)
5.     Red Mushroom variety or Bishops Crown
7.     NuMex Twilight
8.     Yellow Fatalii
Im really excited for it haha
Nice poddage and nice list buddy!!! I will get you
7 Pot Brainstrain
Maybe Yellow fatalii ( if I have any left still)
Carolina Reaper
Oh yeah there may be some more surprises for ya!!! :dance:
Heres the seed collection I've got going so far - still waiting on the seeds from TradeWinds Fruits, but Refining Fire came in yesterday! this is gonna be crazy!

Does anybody have any recommendations for pepper types that i should add to my grow? and when i should be starting my seeds (considering that planting them out will probably be a couple weeks into may...)
Happy Growing everybody!