• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

Jersey Devil Tomato

Well, of all my badly bred tomato plants (my fault, I neglected them) I ended up with 5 Beefmasters, 2 Russian Rose, 1 Belgian Giant, 1 Tomato tree and 3 I cant identify yet. LOL Here is my biggest plant, no flowers yet, but it is growing like mad since I gave it it's own pot and Miracle Grow potting mix, I know, I have cussed MG soil since I have been on here but I bought a bag a few weeks ago and guess what? No bark and sticks!!! I guess they finally got their heads on straight. I have since gone through 6 c/f of the stuff and my plants are loving it.
Anyways, this Jersey Devil is living happy and is being fed SUPERthrive, Alaskan Fish Fert and Jack's 20-20-20. No signs of fert burn so I will keep it up and see how big this sucker gets. And yes, thats a 3 gallon pot, it dwarfs the pot and has out grown its cage...
Ciao Matt-

Your Jersey Devil plant looks just fine, but he would probably benefit from having a larger container. Indeterminate paste tomatoes can get well over 6 ft tall. Let me know how you like that one. I have seeds for it, but I've never grown it. It should give you some very meaty tomatoes for sauce and salsa.