seed-plant-vendors Juanito's Peppers

As some of you know, Juanito's had a 2019 pepper giveaway      first peppers of 2019 giveaway    and I won!  ​I posted a little reply in that forum but it hasn't gotten many views and I felt like Juanito's needed more credit so I'll post here also.  
Here is a pic of what I won that arrived in a USPS small box.  Lot's of fresh peppers packed inside!

Top left are 2 Yellow brainstrain's.  Next is a lone Red Baquinho followed by 8 Yellow Baquinho's. 
Second row are 2 red Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpions that didn't turn out the right color.  (correct me if I'm wrong Juanito)  Next are 4 Chocolate Ghost's.
Third row has 5 Brazilian Starfish and bottom row has 5 Chocolate Brainstrain's.  
There are 2 Atomic fireballs and a root beer candy as a bonus.
Like I said, lot's of peppers in a small package.
All of the pods are super looking and fresh.  I mean, these things look better than what I have growing right outside!  No joke.  
Anyway, my wife and I started with the Yellow Baquinho's first and found them fruity tasting with just a tease of spiciness.  Almost like there was gonna be a little heat but it never showed up!
Next we ate 2 of the Brazilian Starfish.  These are a great snacking pepper with just the right amount of sweetness and heat.  Neither of us had tried either before this and we fell in love with them.  
Now to the superhot's.  I didn't know what I wanted to do with them so I figured I would freeze them until I decide.  I've never had any of these before.  I hate seeds in my sauces so I ended up de-seeding them and freezing the rest but not before trying a slice of each. 
Not an in depth review of the peppers but here is my newbie take:
*First up I tried the Yellow Brainstrain-nice taste and almost immediate heat-alot!
*The red JPGS was next.  I liked the taste but didn't find any heat right away so I had another slice.  Mistake!  The first slice kicked in and it was on!  My wife kept asking me if I was ok. I guess I looked like I was about to keel over.  Luckily the agony didn't last very long so....
*Chocolate Ghost was next.  I didn't think it was near as hot as the rJPGS but not a bad pepper.
*THE Chocolate Brainstrain just about did in this newbie to superhots.  Like the red JPGS I didn't get immediate heat and evidently being a slow learner I had a second bite.  The heat came on slowly but surely and it kept on coming.  My whole mouth, lips and even my eyes were stinging!  I assume it was where my breath was emitting superheated air it was rising to my eyes! :P The heat stuck with me for a long time.  At least 10 minutes and my lips were still burning several hours later.  It did have a good taste before the blast furnace kicked on so even after all the misery, I'll probably try growing one or two next year.  Yeah I know, an addict right!
Well I gotta say Juanito's has some really good pod's and I'll probably be ordering from him soon. 
Thanks, Juanito's. 
Edited to add pic.
glad the choc brainstrain didn't kill you
when you smell them you can just tell they are gonna be good.

Next time try putting 1 or 2 in a pot of soup / chili, really kicks it up a notch and gives it a hint of that unique flavor.
All the seedlings i got from Juanitos are growing true as far as i can tell. His JPGS is scorching hot off the first wave i got. Probably hotter than the bhut i grew last year. Second wave pods look really wicked. First pod of the Scotch Brain didnt seem too much hotter than a bonnet but the plant produces some great looking pods. The Joes Long Cayenne has so many pods on it they probably out number leaves by now. Its an absolute freak. :D
Cant wait to sample the Scorpions...they look killer so far. Pods look exactly like what CARDI has posted on their website.
ShowMeDaSauce said:
All the seedlings i got from Juanitos are growing true as far as i can tell. His JPGS is scorching hot off the first wave i got. Probably hotter than the bhut i grew last year. Second wave pods look really wicked. First pod of the Scotch Brain didnt seem too much hotter than a bonnet but the plant produces some great looking pods. The Joes Long Cayenne has so many pods on it they probably out number leaves by now. Its an absolute freak. :D
Cant wait to sample the Scorpions...they look killer so far. Pods look exactly like what CARDI has posted on their website.
Did your JPGS turn out red?
First pods on plant #1 were peach. I have 2 more plants but no ripe pods on them yet. First pods were slightly off shape/small on the first plant. (Pretty common for the first pods) All the first pods on the other 2 plants look nearly perfect. The 2nd wave of pods on the first plant look better/larger also.


Second round still green but look correct now.

Checked my 2nd Juanito's JPGS today with the "gnarly pods"....Got a couple turning and they sure look peach. 3rd plant pods are all still green and its isolated on the front porch. No other peppers at all out front. My other 2 are really close to my Reapers in the back yard.
Well, the two that I got were red so I wonder if seeds from them will be red or peach?
Anyone's guess I suppose.
That last pic you posted of the green gnarly ones look just like the red one's in my top pic! 
Mr.joe said:
Congrats on tube win. I've heard good things about Juanito and his glogs are great to see. I would not hesitate to do business with him.
Thanks.  I just placed an order from him so I'll have some more peppers that I'm not growing!  :dance:
Ordered saturdayish arrived Wednesday, more than pleased with the quality and quick shipment of these beautiful peppers! I can always count on Juanito to follow through and present us with the best peppers there is! Never have I had an issue whether it be live plants or seeds.


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ShowMeDaSauce said:
Got 2 ripe pods off plant #2....Both are peach for sure and ferociously hot. Has to be hotter than last years Red Bhut. Excellent pheno IMO. Very wicked looking nice sized pods. Plant #3 is producing a nice pheno too and its isolated.
Those look good.  Yeah, the red ones I got were hot, hot, hot!  I thought the chocolate brain strain was hotter though.  But then again, I sampled all of them one after the other so............
juanitos said:
yeah open pollination everything was grouped last year to try to limit crossing, but plants are so huge i think it doesn't matter. 
I need to get some acres so i can isolate by single variety in separate fields / greenhouses. (always a dream of mine but need to raise more $$)
isolating by fabric would help but it is super annoying to deal with when saving thousands of seeds.

yeah open pollination everything was grouped last year to try to limit crossing, but plants are so huge i think it doesn't matter. 
I need to get some acres so i can isolate by single variety in separate fields / greenhouses. (always a dream of mine but need to raise more $$)
isolating by fabric would help but it is super annoying to deal with when saving thousands of seeds.
you can tell if JPGS will be peach early because the fruit starting green color is much lighter. 
light green = peach

dark green = red
Them CARDIs were the biggest PITA to harvest seeds. They kept sticking to all the oil. :D Best flavor from a super ive tried yet. Sofar they have all been screaming hot. The first one was not just a fluke.
Got a nice pull of ripe JPGS and they are all really nice looking pods. I still got plenty more to go. Love the high yield and larger pods. Got enough Scotch Brains the other day for a ferment with some bonnets. 100% satisfied with the seedlings
