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just a question

just a simple question.
have any of you had problems growing a certain type of chiles compared to other types ? & using the same soil, fert's, same ammount of sun,etc...
no matter what you did the plant still doesnt grow as nice as the others even when those other plants went through the same kind of ordeal & pulled through it but 1 type still just doesnt for some reason.
I had a Morich that was growing like crazy..then it just literally dropped dead within a few days. No idea why really. I'm guessing I over-fert it or something on accident. (I space stuff on occasion.. ;))

I'm keeping the stem to see if it will revive though.
I had some Orange Habs and some Caribbean Red Habs growing under lights, same soil, same fert, same water, ect...

The Orange habs fruited like crazy, the Red Habs... They hardly even set bloom, and only one set fruit which I personally think was a freak of nature.

My reds only started setting fruit when I placed them out a window, getting 6 hours of Direct sun a day.

Some peppers are just picky!
My White Habs and Scotch Bonnets have been really slow growing, other varieties are fruiting now such as my serano, piri piri, cayenne. i believe habs to be slow growing but some of mine are 5 months old and still only have six leaves on them!
This year is an experimental year for exactly the reason you are asking about. Same conditions, different varieties, some grow well, some don't. I have about 90 different varieties in 5 gallon containers that are all treated the same...same nutes, same soil, same watering regimen and it is evident that some varieties like this north Texas sun/heat better than others. Next year, I will only plant those varieties that do well here. The best growing superhots are the Naga Morich, Dorset Naga, and Bih Jolokia. The Bhut Jolokias I have growing were stunted from sunscald and have not totally recovered yet even though they are flowering. I will plant all of these next year and add the Naga Jolokia (chinense) I got from Key West last month.

The pubescens varieties I planted are not fairing well at all while the frutescens are doing good.

Most of the Aji varieties I have planted plain do not like the heat except for the Aji Limons.

Most of the annuums are doing OK except they wilt very badly in the afternoon heat but recover when they get a drink of water, except for the Hungarian Wax variety I am growing.

One thing I have noticed...different seeds of the same variety from different sources have different growth traits i.e. some grow faster than others, some are "greener" than others, some are already flowering/fruiting and some are not...

Sorry to ramble....
I understand the location/weather/sun deal, but I worded it wrong.
I kinda meant is there some types of chiles that require different levels of certain nutrients for them to be happy growers compared to other chiles in general. or are picky about their soil/nutrients.

because for the 2nd year in a row my fatalii's look bad, well this year they look better than last year but still bad compared to the other chiles. & my bhut last year looked bad also. I wonder if its just super hots dont like what I have to offer for growing :think:

its the leaves all curled & its not from the weather. the other plants got some leaves that looked the same as the fatalii leaves but those plants basically outgrew that phase & look fine now - except the fataliis.