seeds Just a quick question about seedlings.

I purchased moruga, reaper, and jolokia seeds from an established seller on eBay, bout 25 of each. I labeled them all and now have about 65 healthy seedlings in a jiffy greenhouse under t8 bulbs. My question is this... Do the seedlings of these three vairieties look similar cause all my seedlings look the same. I'm just worried I got sold 75 of the same seed, or am I just being paranoid? Thanks!
Actually you have nothing to worry about;just yet.Seedling do look similar labeling is important.As the seedlings grow you may notice some differences between the three you are growing but that's way down the line in my opinion.All three of these are C.Chinese so all these do in fact look similar.
I had the same thing, If I hadn't harvested the seeds myself, labeled them and such, I would have thought I had 100 of the same plant. All Mine (Reaper, Trinidad Moruga, Ghost and Habs) all look pretty much Identical. They are about a month and a half old, working on their 3rd and 4th sets of true leaves, and if they were not labeled, I could not tell them apart. now, I am new to these this year but my eyes work well none the less. At this point, My habs are a little taller than the rest and my ghosts have a little bit broader leaves. just my 2 cents.