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Just can't seem to get this growing thing figured out

I have a tomato, mulato, bhut, and trinidad scorpion plant that all look pretty bad. I did over nute them about a month ago but flushed repotted everything with a 50/50 mix of coco coir and foxfarms ocean once I found out that it comes hot right out of the bag. I then flushed everything just to make sure, at this point everything seemed to be making a drastic turn for the much much better. Then this week happened. About a week and a half or so ago I noticed some of the new growth on my TS was coming in very bumpy and curling down. After reading up on here and doing some outside research it appeared that I had some broad mites. 5 days ago I started spraying all 4 plants with a neem oil and water solution, safers insecticidal soap, and some epsom salt and water solution doing all this every other day. The following pics show what I have seen happen over the last 7 days, the TS plant looks really bare because I pulled off all of the really deformed leaves(which there were a lot of) to try to help get rid of any pests. Now, I know I am doing something right because I have a few plants that I got started late and are planted in the exact same 50/50 soil and coco mix that the big plants are in. The only differences are that the little guys are not getting the safers, neem, and epsom. If you guys need any more info just ask.
Tomato plant


Mulato, the little black round thing was a bud...I noticed some of them turned black today.

Wow, those look worse than mine that went through the hail storm. With all of the trauma and stress those have been through it's probably lucky that they're alive. First thing is stop fertilizing them. Cut back on the amount of sun. Water only when necessary. Find one thing that works on the mites and stick with it. Don't spray them with anything while the plants are in the sun. Don't pull any leaves off unless they are completely dead. Any leaf that is green is doing it's job, regardless of the shape it's in.

I hate to say it but the new stuff isn't looking that great either.
what is wrong with the new stuff? I have them under some of the plant and aquarium fluros if the color is what you are talking about, when i took the pics the lights were still on. I don't spray anything on them in the sunlight, strictly at night in the garage just to make absolutely sure no sunlight gets to them once the spray goes on. I haven't watered the bhut and TS plant in prob around going on 2 weeks or so. Those plants haven't gotten any ferts in more than a month either. I haven't pulled off any leaves that are green, just yellow or dead, and I have them in a spot outside that gets late morning-early afternoon sun and then is pretty shaded for the remainder of the day(so prob 4-6 hours of direct sunlight total per day).
The carnage! The pure unadulterated carnage! I'm sorry to hear you are having problems, I do hope everything turns around for you. Unfortunately I am still a noob at this as well, so I can't offer anything besides that. Sorry. :(
Did you wash the coco coir before using it? It often contains a lot of salt. I soak mine for 24 hours in RO water, drain it and soak it for another 24 hours in new RO water.
I did not soak it but everything got flushed after I had put the coco in the soil. I flushed each plant with 6 gallons of chlorine free water, 4 gallons for the mater plant since it is in a slightly smaller container. Also, all the smaller stuff was germinated in 100% coco and I had great germination rates using that as opposed to any of the seed starters or soils I tried.
Something does seem to be affecting them negatively.

It could be bugs like mites or root nematodes but I really don't have any epxerience with those.

What sort of night temps are they going through?

Could they be in range of any chemicals like weedkiller that maybe a neighbour is spraying?

I don't know if you mentioned pH? maybe test the water and soil.

You have mentioned a lot of things you have done to them to try and correct the problems and sometimes we can love our plants to death. I certainly have! I have found that plants start to really thrive when they have a set routine of temps/ferts/light/watering schedule. If you are moving them around and trying all these different things then even if you have corrected the problem they will need some time to adapt and recover. When I over fertilized my chilli plants I flushed the soil and repotted and they lost all their leaves and looked dead for a while... but then they grew back strong and healthy.
Something does seem to be affecting them negatively.

It could be bugs like mites or root nematodes but I really don't have any epxerience with those.

What sort of night temps are they going through?

Could they be in range of any chemicals like weedkiller that maybe a neighbour is spraying?

I don't know if you mentioned pH? maybe test the water and soil.

You have mentioned a lot of things you have done to them to try and correct the problems and sometimes we can love our plants to death. I certainly have! I have found that plants start to really thrive when they have a set routine of temps/ferts/light/watering schedule. If you are moving them around and trying all these different things then even if you have corrected the problem they will need some time to adapt and recover. When I over fertilized my chilli plants I flushed the soil and repotted and they lost all their leaves and looked dead for a while... but then they grew back strong and healthy.
The night temps have been around 70's-80's with the occasional low dip but nothing below 55 or so. I have not done anything to try and alter ph. I totally understand what you are saying about over loving them as I think that is probably the problem. I have one more treatment for pest to do on sunday and then I am leaving them alone to see what happens with no interaction from me whatsoever. And no, no chance of chemicals.
I haven't watered the bhut and TS plant in prob around going on 2 weeks or so.

Your supposed to water the plants once a week or when needed. If you dont knnow when they need water, then stick your finger into the soil around 2 inches. if its dry, then water them. Im pretty sure after 2-3 weeks, they were a bit thirsty. You need to maintain you plant dude. they are probably harder to maintain than my dog. And i think adding salt every other day isnt a good thing either. add it once every 2-3 weeks or so and thats if necessary. when the plants go outside, keep an eye out of aphids. they usually hang out under the leaves. If they do, spray some neem oil or add some lady bugs to the pots. when you see the leaves starting to wilt, they most likely need some water. so feed them. Give them fertilizer every other week as well.
Hope these tips help! and good luck!!!
Will do, I have some water de-chlorinating as we speak. I am pretty damn meticulous about keeping an eye out for bugs, and I will lay off the epsom as well. Thanks for the tips.