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Just Checking. Might be a little paranoid...

Hey everyone!
So i'm pretty new to the world of growing chilies and have got a few plants. Just started pruning and wanted to make sure i havent cut too much. I feel that they're nice and healthy but thought id pop up a few pics just incase something obvious is staring me in the face. Any advice would be much appreciated! :)

Yellow Trinidad

Hungarian Black

Purple Tiger

Chocolate Habanero

Yellow Siam
G'day Mate, and welcome to THP.
First, Allow me to ask, why did you decide to prune those plants?
They are not harmed and will put out a lot of growth to make up what was taken. My concern is that you are approaching your autumn and do not have a lot of growing season left. unless you will be bringing these indoors.
They look pretty fresh except that purple tiger looks a little rough but then all black foliage plants generally do .. Did you hit them up with nitrogen during growth as they look a little sparse ..  I would be getting in some stakes before they get any bigger and get some good sized ones so they can stay in there, 4 feet minimum ( 1 in the ground , 3 above .. Or larger ) .. if you want to get some really good size, the pods will begin to sag down those branches and the plants will start break under there own weight eventually.
Start tying up the loose branches and train them to grow more vertical to give them strength and keep them tidy.. I have a Carolina reaper with this bad stray branch out the side of the pot.. Annoys the hell out of me but its got so many pods on it all the time I don't want to lop it off, every time I  harvest I think.. Ill do it today, then look at all the other pods growing and think.... Next time lol.. I wish I had of trained it earlier to go vertical or cut it.
Keep up the good work and Welcome to THP :dance:
robbo133 said:
Ive been reading about pruning them to promote bushy growth. Is that right?
Yes, that will cause the plants to bush out. Generally speaking though,  just by topping them will accomplish that. Leave about 4-6 segments to branch.
robbo133 said:
Ive been reading about pruning them to promote bushy growth. Is that right?
Cutting back will create new foliage nodes and promote growth.. Backing this up with a hit if nutes will boost that..

How long have they been in those big pots for ?? If they have been in there since they were little, there might be a big boost due once those roots start to calm down from growing out..  
Oh cool thanks will do kraken. And I am planning to bring them inside capcom. Thanks heaps for the advice guys!
Got them as seedlings so been in the pots for maybe a month and a half? Been giving them a small amount of feed. A mix of liquid blood and bone and seasol every 2 weeks. I read that you should use a simular feed as tomatoes and have had pretty good results with my toms with the mix. Although if theres something better id love to know! :)
robbo133 said:
Oh cool thanks will do kraken. And I am planning to bring them inside capcom. Thanks heaps for the advice guys!
Got them as seedlings so been in the pots for maybe a month and a half? Been giving them a small amount of feed. A mix of liquid blood and bone and seasol every 2 weeks. I read that you should use a simular feed as tomatoes and have had pretty good results with my toms with the mix. Although if theres something better id love to know! :)
There is always something better it seems.  I am trying something new myself and cannot provide absolute positive feedback yet as I have just started using it. Tomatoes and peppers are in the same family but you do not want to treat them as the same plant.