• Please post pictures and as much information as possible.

Just confirm for me please, sellers name withheld till resolved or lack there of


Short and sweet of it, ordered a trin moruga FRESH from an ebay seller because theirs looked good and they had good feedback. From the pictures it had traits i want to breed in with mine. But this is what shows up. Bhut and Choc Hab right? So again i bought these as fresh peppers, not seed i did not grow these my self.. I can tell you ill be doing all my purchasing on the forums here from now on be it seed or fresh.
1 on left look like choc hab. the problem with Ebay is that the seller gets good feedback as the buyer gets seeds fast and they germinate. but by the time you figure out you were ripped off there is no way to reverse the feedback. so lesson of the day, do not buy seeds off ebay, buy them off the vendors here in the marketplace, here, if you accidentally get the wrong plant they vendor will work with you to make it right(at least that has been my experience so far)
the red one has a bit of the bumpiness that you might find in TSMB or Brain Strain or Primo, or any number of other crosses ......

No way to be sure, SO.... Ebay Caveat Emptor...

If I had a dollar for every one of these Ebay threads....
No that's the thing these were bought as FRESH PEPPERS.... not seed so they are blatantly lying. They didnt even have chocolate anything for sale. They said whoops i sold one and dont have it let me stick a couple others in and hope they are happy, or they advertise one thing just trying to offload what ever it is they have. Thats why im PO'd i know better than to buy seed off ebay, but this is like buying a ford mustang and they send you a puego and old broke down volvo going I hope they dont notice...
OH WOW, have you tried the one on the right to see just how hot it is?

no not yet still ticked.... but i will give them a taste here in a bit. I know my ids were way off, just ticked when it wasnt what it I ordered.

tried them heat level maybe about 300,000 sv scotch bonnet heat level tops. The chocolate taste just like a hab, and the other like a citrusy hab
good luck, it may be that tseller may haeve been duped too. maybe se is selling what he actually thought was a moruga. doubtful but it could happen! keep us updated.

It was just confusion i guess, he did give me a refund super quick so... Allright so seller turned out to be really cool about it and even offered to overnight me some, Ill re order from him and see what happens. Just after getting screwed over so many times you tend to assume, and then make an .... out of yourself.