Just got some nice seeds!!

The person you got them from would likely give you the best description...seeing as they grew them to get said seeds. Hey, they could probably even provide pics. Then you could post something with a little info for the community rather than a boast post looking for others to do the work for you. Just saying.
AaronRiot said:
The person you got them from would likely give you the best description...seeing as they grew them to get said seeds. Hey, they could probably even provide pics. Then you could post something with a little info for the community rather than a boast post looking for others to do the work for you. Just saying.
i already was told by them what to expect i want to get other people's reviews of the peppers is that ok with u?......All u negative people I don't see y u even bother posting u should just skip over all the post u try to rag on and talk shit on! I don't see how wanting to get other people's descriptions of the chiles I got a hold of is boasting people need to quit with the ignorant shit envy is a mutha f**ka

Its ok thou I always spray myself with sucka repellent

Brain Strain Pepper Head said:
I grew out both the Orange Brain Strain, and Chocolate Brain Strain and they were both stable.
How was the heat and taste on them?
I had chocolate scotch bonnet a couple years ago, great heat, lingered too but the seeds I had for this year didn't germinate, so trying again in the new year. Make sure you post some pics of the pink scotch bonnet, would like to see that one. ;)
Orange 7-pots are very similar to Yellow 7-pots, at least in my experience. I am sitting here eating a Chocolate Scotch Bonnet while I type this. They are pretty damn good! I got the seeds from Jim Duffy and the plants did fine, along with the Orange ones I got from Jim too. They are a little hotter than the Orange Scotch Bonnets and the flavor is what you`d expect - earthier, a bit richer. The Orange ones I grew had a great banner shape, but the chocolate ones I grew aren`t quite as consistent in their shape. 
ty with ur descriptions guys and yes i am posting pics i really wanna try these pink scotch bonnets i was told they were amazing