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Just my luck...


eXtreme Business
This morning, I noticed several flies buzzing around my plants. Thinking I had the problem licked when I switched soils, I took a closer look at the soil, and sure enough, there were small grubs, specifically in the bonemeal I had just placed onto the soil just last week. I don't know how quickly these buggers developed, but I didn't wanna take any chances, so I grabbed the insecticide I had, and applied it to all my plants and the soil.

On a hunch, I checked the bonemeal I had been using, and sure enough, I could clear as day, see there were grubs in there. I had inadvertently spilled some water in there last week, since I watered the plants right after applying and left the bag open. Somehow, a couple flies must've gotten into it between the time I tossed out my previous plants and this go 'round, and laid their eggs in it, and after applying it and watering the plants, the grubs, then the flies developed.

So yeah, I'm gonna have to toss the bonemeal. But hey, at least I bought only one bag of it :) I think I'll just be sticking to the Mater Magic Tomato food, since the plants seem to like that pretty well also.
Couldn't you pour it onto a pan and stick it in the oven for 10 minutes on the lowest settings? Dry it out, kill anything alive, win-win.

I've never tried it, but I assume grubs don't do well in an oven.
Couldn't you pour it onto a pan and stick it in the oven for 10 minutes on the lowest settings? Dry it out, kill anything alive, win-win.

I've never tried it, but I assume grubs don't do well in an oven.

yeah, not tried myself either, but that deffo sounds like an option
dang if I'd put any "grubs" in my oven.....that just sounds nasty... :rofl: