Just started my 1st batch of Super hots!

Well wish me luck I soaked over night planted 1 seed per pod we will see how it turns out-- Someone mentioned to add a bit of Hydrogen peroxide to the water you soak the seeds in Can I ask what it does? (Yea have not covered them or put the heating pad under yet)

+1 to what Buzz said. Regarding the heating mat - a caution and a consideration. Most (if not all) heating mats are sold without thermostats. If you are going to use a mat, get a thermostat as most get too hot - they will cook your seeds. The thermostats aren't terribly expensive, and are worth it for as many as you are starting. The consideration is that you might not need a mat. I usually start seeds in January/February, and am in N.E. Ohio - snow country. I keep my house pretty cool in the winter, and put my seeds on top of the fridge to germinate - that's enough warmth for them. You're in Long Beach (I used to live not far from you) and it's just the start of September so it's probably still plenty warm outside. You might consider just placing the tray outside in a warm spot. Even if you don't have a warm spot to start them in (such as if you live in an apartment) you still may not need a mat if you have a warm spot in the house - could simply be a sunny window, the top of your own fridge, or even a stereo speaker. Regardless, keep in mind that the mat is only needed for actual germination - once they sprout, remove the mat or the plants may get leggy.
When you put the lid on that jiffy you will notice that the condensation will roll down the sides and transfer the moisture from the inside pods to the ones.around the perimeter. So if your not vigilant the seeds on the outside will be too wet and the center ones will dry out!

this is how I solved the problem. The bigger lid allows the moisture to roll down on my malar base where I get it with a towel and this gets a more even moisture level throughout the pods.
jiffy pellets have always given me the best results. Looks like you'll do fine as long as you keep the temp stable and don't let the peat dry out.
I germinated 55 out of 68 seeds so far since August 20th and there still coming up. Trinadads and 7 pots and ghosts and black nagas. ...so the jiffys work but you need to watch the moisture of each pod.
I got a spray bottle ready and monitor the moister everyday and have them on a heating pad So far I have not had to water and It's been 6 days guess it takes the peat pods a long time to dry out with the cover on. I guess all the post I've seen about how seeds have germinated in 3 days are freak's of nature I'm used to going out a putting the seeds in the ground and 2 weeks later bam there's a plant This baby sitting is making me nervous lol 