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review Kato sample pack review

Kato's Island Sauce

Type: Mustard based
Pepper(s): Habanero / Cayenne
Unique: Mango
Flavor: 9/10
Heat: 5/10

This sauce was the first of the 3 I tried that were sent to me by Kato Productions. I performed the toothpick test first getting a taste of just the sauce. I was hit with a rather bold taste consisting of predominantly Mango, with a touch of the Habs and Cayenne. It was a unique taste that I fell in love with immediately, a taste that screamed PORK!

It just so happened that I had some smoked ham in the fridge so I tried it out first on a good old ham sandwich. Excellent choice it turns out, the sauce complimented the meat nicely. I look forward to trying this on some pork tenderloin or some chops. At first I wasn't too impressed with the heat in this sauce but once you get to eating it you get a nice mellow heat that kind of sneaks up on you. I thought the heat balanced well with the flavor of this sauce but I would love to see a hot version of this sauce too.

Kato's Meaner Greener Sauce

Type: Tomatillo based
Pepper(s): Green Habanero
Unique: Lime / Cilantro
Flavor: 8/10
Heat: 3/10

I was pumped when I opened this sauce up having sampled the wonderful Island Sauce yesterday. The toothpick test revealed another bold tasting sauce that was sweeter than its Caribbean brother. This sauce is an interesting mix of flavors with the Tomatillo and Lime being the predominant flavors. Not much heat.

Unfortunately I think I chose the wrong food to try this out on. I had some leftover meatloaf and scalloped potatoes and the sauce really didn't do much for it. It was just too much of a contrast in flavors. I think the next time I use this I will try it on a Cajun chicken salad or maybe even grilled chicken or pork. I still have hope for this sauce but I think this is one of those selective types of sauces, not one you would eat on just anything.

Kato's Down South Hot Sauce

Type: Vinegar based
Pepper(s): Scotch Bonnet
Unique: Carrot
Flavor: 8/10
Heat: 7/10

Well I was almost reluctant to open this bottle since it was a dedication bottle but I figured any dog that ate habaneros would want me to eat his sauce so I cracked it open. The toothpick test revealed a straight forward, no nonsense hot sauce which is about what I expect since there are only 3 ingredients to this sauce. I could taste the Scotch Bonnets immediately but it wasn't an overpowering taste, in fact out of the 3, this sauce had the least amount of flavor, which is a good thing in this case.

I saved this bottle for last since the wife and I usually end up doing pizza on Sundays while watching the football games, this Sunday was no exception. Calling this a vinegar based sauce is almost a misnomer; it should be called a carrot based sauce if you are judging it by its color and consistency. This sauce is orange and it is thick, perfect for pizza! We ordered up a pepperoni and Canadian bacon and I made sure every bite had some sauce on it. I have to say, I love this sauce on pizza. The pizza still tasted like pizza with a nice overtone of Scotch Bonnet flavor. My mouth was nice and tingly and I even broke a bit of a sweat by the end of the pie. A fitting tribute for a habanero eating dog.

First and foremost I would like to offer my condolences to Mick and Rita on the loss of Kato. It's always hard to lose a pet you love.

Next I would like to say thank you to Mick and Rita for introducing me to their sauces, it was truly an enjoyable experience. I loved the sauces! You guys sent me a nice range of both heat and flavor and I'm sure I will have no problem putting all 3 of them to good use. Mick, I have your address and I will be shipping off a jar of my Honey BBQ and a jar of my Tropical Heat BBQ. Hope you enjoy them as much as I've enjoyed your sauces!