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hot-sauce Kato's Hemi Hot Sauce and Datil Dust

Tonight I got to try out Kato's Hemi Hot Sauce and his Datil Dust. Here's what I did:

My main meal was spaghetti and while I was making it, I took a small drop of the Hemi Hot Sauce and placed it on a spoonful of spaghetti sauce. I was really surprised by the full flavor that it had. This sauce is extremely smooth and rich with fruity flavors. I could really taste the garlic in the sauce, which I loved. After discovering that the sauce wasn't of atomic proportion, I then did the plain teaspoon taste and this sauce was great by it's self. I imagine that it would make a great marinade or wing sauce. It just wasn't as hot as I like most of my sauces, but it sure made up for this with taste. I especially liked the fact that it didn't have a strong vinegary taste to it (I really don't like sauces that have too much vinegar to them so this was a pleasant surprise). I probably poured half of the bottle on a dish of spaghetti and thoroughly enjoyed this.

For my next bowl of spaghetti I mixed in some Datil Dust and WOW! After trying the Datil Dust, I was extremely happy to know that they are outside in my garden and am looking forward to them even more now. This Datil Pepper produced a wonderful fruity and flavorful powder as such that I have never had before. Keep in mind the only powders that I have had before are Jalapeño, Hab and Red Chili. I was impressed with the heat too and found that this dust also complimented the Hemi Hot Sauce nicely (they mixed well together) and I can't wait to make my own Datil Dust this harvest.

Kato, I loved these 2 products that you sent and am anxiously awaiting the chance to taste the remaining sauces :) BTW, I think this post is proof that I really liked this sauce and Datil Dust since this is the second time I've written it. The fist was wiped out during the recent storm that went though causing a power outage while I was proofing the post. :lol:
Powders are great on Italian food because you are not adding vinegar. Good choice.

Thanks for the compliments. The Hemi is not that hot from the amount of fresh garlic we added as you probably already know garlic kills the heat.

The datil dust is great and has a bit more heat and does work well with Italian dishes.

Hope to see your name come up again.
