billyboy said:goodluckI love that time of growing when you wake up & the first thing you do is check to see if youve got any new little ones to look after
Do you check them before you go to bed too? I do, it all happens so quickly. I've been sowing seeds most weekends, I started before Christmas.billyboy said:goodluckI love that time of growing when you wake up & the first thing you do is check to see if youve got any new little ones to look after
sdw79 said:I am kinda afraid I got the soil too wet, but I guess I will just have to wait and see
AKButch said:I wish it was time to start some seeds in my end of the world but since I can't even think of putting them outside until around the first of June, no reason to start them for a couple more months.
I did start some Tien-Tsin seeds a few days ago just to see if they would germinate or not. I ordered some dried pods for making some asian recipies and took a dozen seeds from them and so far I have about 50% sprouting in less than a week. Started them in a coffee filter in a paper towel in a wash cloth in a bowl on top of the cable TV box to keep them warm. Check them morning and nite, gives me something to do other than shovel snow and try to stay warm . . .