Ken'S Pepper Works is Finally Online

It's been way too long but it's finally up and running.  I was finally able to pry the almost-final labels from my graphic designer's stingy death grip.  That was the holdup - I wanted the labels done first so I could do that Photoshop thing. Nothing to sell yet, just info on my sauces, my company and the ensuing Kickstarter campaign.  I will now begin working on an e-commerce site using a different web hoster and hope to have it running by April or May.  I will also being learming Joomla!, which should provide so much more than the crappy GoDaddy Website Builder tool they peddle.  Anyway, here's the link:
What do you recommend for website building ? thats something I need to rebuild here to bring it up-to-date 
What do you recommend for website building ? thats something I need to rebuild here to bring it up-to-date 
That depends. What are you rebuilding exactly?
My experience with Joomla has never been very good. I am not a fan of how the system is managed and have always struggled to understand why it is designed the way it is.
I much prefer Drupal and Wordpress (in this order) over Joomla.
You will find themes (templates?) and plugins of varying degrees of quality from the community of all three systems. However Wordpress and to a much larger degree Drupal, will give you much more control in the long run. Of course there are still minuses to deal with in any system; Drupal for example is extremely flexible out of the box but does require a beefier host than what you would use with Wordpress or Joomla.
I suggest you try and evaluate all three before making a decision. If the end goal is an ecommerce site, I think Wordpress + Woo Commerce/Themes/Forms or Drupal Commerce would serve you better in the long run. And based on my experience with both I would probably recommend Drupal Commerce (technically you don't even need to use this distribution to get ecommerce up and running with Drupal).
Then again I am biased towards Drupal, so there is that.