Kerosene heater with seperate tank

Planning a really early start in the high tunnel.  Looking to heat with kerosene but want something that will last much longer than the normal heaters that you have to keep topping off.  Figure there must be heaters with an external five or more gallon tank. I guess it could be a large tank connected to the heater but that seems dangerous.  Maybe a tank stored outside of the high tunnel and a hose going to the heater(s)

Any ideas?  Maybe I should ask is there a reason Kerosene seems to be low on the list of choices for such a job?
the Monitor 2400 & 2200 Series, kerosene heater is working with a pump
Unfortunately ALL Monitor Heaters are no longer manufactured.
but you can find used
I think you would need a heater that vents outside while bringing in fresh air to burn to keep the plants safe. With that said, new heaters cost too much. 
Here's a heater I know too well, I spent a winter living in a tent with snow on the ground and it worked flawlessly. It even cooks too so you can make a pot of coffee or red beans and rice while you're playing with plants.
It's rebuildable by a monkey and you do have a hose already installed to supply the fuel, we used JP-5 from a jerry can but we did have a few hooked up to a 55 gallon drum on a rack, it just needs to be a little higher than the heater for gravity flow.
H-45 means 45,000 btu's, this is the cheapest I found then.
Rajun Gardener said:
I think you would need a heater that vents outside while bringing in fresh air to burn to keep the plants safe. With that said, new heaters cost too much. 
Here's a heater I know too well, I spent a winter living in a tent with snow on the ground and it worked flawlessly. It even cooks too so you can make a pot of coffee or red beans and rice while you're playing with plants.
It's rebuildable by a monkey and you do have a hose already installed to supply the fuel, we used JP-5 from a jerry can but we did have a few hooked up to a 55 gallon drum on a rack, it just needs to be a little higher than the heater for gravity flow.
H-45 means 45,000 btu's, this is the cheapest I found then.

Not only is that excellent, I think I have used it before.  German winters in a tent.  Yes, we cooked on them.  Now looking the site over.  Very rare to find actual military surplus at decent prices now that it is a fad.  Most is new made in China stuff.  This site looks real.  You made my night.
You could build a smaller tunnel within the high tunnel.  I use a Mr Heater to take the edge off my GH on the cold spring nights.  No power needed. They can be hooked to whatever size propane tank you want...use the filter that is sold with them to keep the oils from clogging it up.  I have used these heaters for 8 or so years for tent camping, ice fishing etc.  They are very safe in enclosed areas with low oxy/tip sensors and put out a lot of heat.  They use approx 1 lb per 3 hrs on high (9000btu)  and 6 hrs on low (4000btu).  A 20 lb tank can last 120 hrs.  I can heat my house (900sf) in 20 f weather.   They can be found for around 70 bucks in off season.  
They have many heater options with different fuels
I tried to go the kero/separate tank route many years back on thawing frost for jobsites and was shut down by mfgs.  We used 55 drums and a hand crank pump to refill.  I'm sure it can be done but you will have to rig it yourself due to mfg liability.