food Killer Jerk Kabobs

This recipe was my first entry in the jerk Throwdown and I loved it so much I decided to make it again today. However, I tweaked the recipe a bit and WOW! It really packs a punch! I added a tad more Orange Hab powder along with the addition of Chocolate Hab powder. Then I mixed in 2 Tbsp. of CaJohn's Jolokia Puree.

Instead of corn of the cob, I served this over Ramen noodles without the broth.

Sorry, I didn't get a chance to take an updated pic. Ya'll have to forgive me since I included a pic of the original Kabobs, just imagine them tossed in Ramen Noodles :lol:

Here is the recipe for the Jerk paste and Kabobs:

- 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
- juice from 1 lime
- 1 Tbsp. lime zest
- 2 cloves of minced garlic
- 2 Tbsp. oregano
- 1 Tbsp. onion powder
- 1 Tbsp. brown sugar
- 1/2 tsp. ground allspice
- 1/4 tsp. ground cinnamon
*- 2 tsp. Orange Hab Powder
*- 2 tsp. Chocolate Hab Powder
- 1 boneless, skinless chicken breast
- smoked beef sausage
- 1 green bell-pepper
*- 2 Tbsp Cajohn Jolokia Puree

Cooking the Kabobs

Assemble the Kabobs, I arranged them by green pepper, sausage, chicken then green pepper...Bast the kabobs and then grill. Turn them frequently and bast at every turn.

Finished plate
Dude you cheated that's the old pic :P
The new pic rocks, that sausage looks awesome.
texas blues said:
Looks damn fine to me PF.

Salute', TB.

Thanks TB...I think that the Jolokia really set it off. said:
The new pic rocks, that sausage looks awesome.

I knew you would apprieciate the photo. My wife just looked at me like I was totally crazy as I was pulling my left-overs out of the fridge with camera in hand.
PF - great recipe. the 2nd pic looks tasty but I was sold at the the 1st pic from the jerk throwdown, looked damn tasty & with sweet corn/lime to boot :cool:
You know every time I need the camera mine says what are you cooking this time? She thinks I am such a dork for taking pics and posting them here of our suppers.
chilehunter said:
PF - great recipe. the 2nd pic looks tasty but I was sold at the the 1st pic from the jerk throwdown, looked damn tasty & with sweet corn/lime to boot :cool:

Thanks chilehunter. The secound go around with this recipe was a killer and a keeper. :)

JayT said:
You know every time I need the camera mine says what are you cooking this time? She thinks I am such a dork for taking pics and posting them here of our suppers.

I completely know what you mean. Mine already thinks I'm a dork for logging on here and spending time on here. I also think there is a tad bit of jelousy there too...:lol: But when she sees the camera and me taking pictures of our dinner, she just about looses it. She just doesn't get it...:lol: