Kiwi Grow Off - Heaviest weight of pods off a single plant

Based on the tallest plant grow off which was great to watch...
Time period: 1 July 2015 - 30 June 2016
Rules: Any grow technique, any medium.  Only real rule is must use the same seed stock as other growers - Swampys Dorset Naga Seeds
Can grow multiple specimens and then nominate which one is the representative before the first pull. After that it can't be changed.
I thought ripe pods could be harvested throughout the season and photos of the pulls posted with their weight.  We can keep a running total to get an idea of where we all stand.
Fire Dragon

Turbo pube may be another good option? That one you gave me is pretty insane with loads of huge fruit..I'll need to get some pics of it when I get home
I thought of a prize.  Perhaps everyone who enters sends the winner a few packets of rare or interesting seeds.  Even just with 5 or 6 of us that would be 15 types which I reckon would be awesome and won't cost most of us more than the cost of shipping. 
I am glad to hear your turbo pube is pumping.  Mine was cranking flowers when the dogs dug it up. It was shredded into pieces so there was no coming back.  If you get a good harvest I would be keen to try one of them and nab some seeds from it.
I'm sure I'll have dozens of fruit and hundreds of seeds your welcome to both! This pic is from like a month ago. The fruit are way bigger than I expected

Those look absolutely awesome.  They are bigger than the largest fruit on my giant rocoto.
I have 4 other pubes fruiting right now.  One is about 30cm high and maybe 1.5m wide, it is crazy. One is just an insanely dense bush about 80cmx80cm (costa rica rocoto). The one in the pot is relatively spindly but looks in good health and has set many pods (seda de rocoto). The giant rocoto just got some fish fertilizer last night as it seems to have run of of steam. None of them have pods bigger than a large marble.   I can make sure you get to try each of them so you can decide which ones to grow next year.  I really hope the current ones can grow straight through winter.
Sounds good. I'm pretty sure all the pubes you gave me have survived. The turbo pube is by far the biggest though and has huge fruit that would weigh about the same as a large tomato. I haven't tried one yet because I'm overseas but there will be some ready when I get home in a few days. Maybe try some more potent ferts? I give them 5/8/12 every week. Even when the plants are in brand new potting mix. I also mix more hard/ granular ferts in with new potting mix when potting up
I'm not on that side of the world but if you are looking for numbers and good sized pods the 7 Pot Chauganas is a beefy and prolific choice. Also both Jays GS were very prolific with several sizable pods.

Look forward to following along to see what happens.
HOTttASsChillies said:
I'm keen to play if that okay? :)
And seeds for the winner sounds like a good plan to me! 
What would we do? Just update pictures of each weighed harvest??
Awesome, the more the merrier.  Welcome to THP!
Ultimately it will be an honour based system as anyone could win by cheating.  The photos are really just for interests sake and so we can see how we're doing relatively. 
Seacowboy said:
I'm not on that side of the world but if you are looking for numbers and good sized pods the 7 Pot Chauganas is a beefy and prolific choice. Also both Jays GS were very prolific with several sizable pods.

Look forward to following along to see what happens.
I would be a fan of any of those having not grown any  of them.  Thought it would be awesome if we could find something none of us had grown before.  I see swampys Dorset Naga and am so glad we are not competing yet.
Heya Paul pod.

I don't mean to make any of y'all antsie, but I've already made a start.

I am now the proud owner of a huge steaming pile of horse crap. 6 mths to heat up and break down....
I like horse manure especially as it is somewhat available in bulk. Worm castings are my favorite but I just can't seem to make enough of them.  About to re-purpose a bath tub to worm farming so hopefully that gives me some ammo for the grow off.
Does anyone know if Rush35 is in?
Doesn't look like we are getting many more folk joining so maybe we vote of what to grow?  How about everyone nominates a variety and then we vote?
I am in as well guys.
I suggested Pube because they handle winter growing better, but i prefer Chinense for flavour generally and have a couple of plants that are going to be monsters by the end of this season. At the end of the day it does not really matter as long as we are all growing the same chilli. I might try one in soil and one in my DWC after starting it off in my aeroponic set up. Would be an interesting comparison especially starting them in July!
Good to see you on board Paul...welcome!
I'd lean towards pubes.

Thinking about the seed prize though,I'd hate to try and find interesting seeds for someone that has say a 100 plus cultivar grow yearly. What would ya's think of $10 -$20 pool?