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KRAZY Katrina garden pictures ->

I am gonna just start posting pictures and perhaps some of them will get captions as I go, we'll see.
I have 3 different in-ground gardens, here is part of one. The dead stuff in the background is what is left of cabbage after sauerkraut Saturday!

Lemon Drop

Lemon drop turning -

Pusa Jwala YELLOW strain -
Mutant first year Fatalii with 10,000 fruits on it! Planted in about 150 pounds of homemade compost!


countless Trini-scorpions on each plant!

Not entirely sure what this is.
I need some help with this one.... not sure my seed was labeled correctly.

once again..... SUPPOSED to be 7-pot.... looks a little funky.
I'll eat a raw one once they ripen and see :hell:

A part of a different garden
santa fe grande, trini-perfume, tobago seasoning, big jim anaheim etc.
Really nice looking plants and pods Katrina, the unknown chili looks like my Trinidad Perfume. If it turns yellow and has zero heat then that's what it is.
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Really nice looking plants and pods Katrina, the unknown chili looks like my Trinidad Perume. If it turns yellow and has zero heat then that's what it is.

They very well could be!
What do you use them for? I have had seed for 3 years and this is my first year growing them.

You have a very nice garden Katrina...seeing all those pods make my mouth water..:drooling:
Do you water them often ?
srin2 said:
You have a very nice garden Katrina...seeing all those pods make my mouth water..:drooling:
Do you water them often ?

I almost never water them unless it is very hot and dry.
I plant them deep, and mulch heavily!
your unknown chilli looks like these or maybe a cross...
BISHOP'S CROWN (Capsicum Annuum)
90 Day to Maturity, peppers grow 11/2"long by 3" wide, they grow from green to red when mature. Extremely Hot! From Barbados, the pepper plant grows 53" high. (full sun)
chillilover said:
Is that lemon drop a baccatum? Mine have huge leaves. My bishops crown has leaves about 6 inches long by 4 wide.

Not sure on the Bishops crown, but I think the lemon drop is a Capsicum chinense.
mystery pepper: trinidad seasoning?

your garden is lovely, your avatar babe also looks lovely :)

happy grow season