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Kroelleboelle 2nd year growlog

Hello out there, this is my 2nd year growing chilis, after i had a very good year and expirence in 2009, so this year i puchased alot more varieties.

Ive plantet seeds in 72 jiffys, Febuary 6`th i planted them, but not a single one has popped up, so i was hoping someone could calm me a bit down, as im getting pretty stressed about this situation.

I plantet my seeds April 2 last year, and i was was hoping to get a headstart this year, but sofar it looks nothing like a succes.-

My seeds is located in plastic trays as i always plant in, soil is moist, temp. is 64-82 Fahrenheis 18-28 Celcius

Btw i think i have myself a fantastic menu in seeds this year, as follows:

Aji Yellow
Lemon / Aji Lemon
Aji Rojo
Bulgarian Carrot
Caribbean red - habanero
Habanero Chocolate
Habanero Hot Lemon
Jalapeno n`early jalapeno
Lemon drop
Orange Bhut Jolokia
Rocotto Manzano Amarillo
Ring of Fire
Scorpion Tongue

I have overwintered a red savina(supposed as it came from naga morich seeds), standing nice with leafs in my livingroom, and a single Bolivian Rainbow, with only small leafes,3-4 other only with there stems as some buggers wouldnt leave them alone, so in the end i cut em down, with no leafes, so they didnt have to struggle to much energiwise.. And then i i have a single baby Naga Morich.

I`ll update with pictures when good news hopefully comes, sporuts and all, none the less, i`ll just have too plant a new batch in march/april then.
KroelleBoelle said:
Ive plantet seeds in 72 jiffys, Febuary 6`th i planted them, but not a single one has popped up, so i was hoping someone could calm me a bit down, as im getting pretty stressed about this situation.

It's only been 10 days! ;)

KroelleBoelle said:
I have overwintered a red savina(supposed as it came from naga morich seeds)

Something is happening today, this morning i saw life in my boxes, sofar 3 sprouts has looked up at me, all three popped up today, the third and last just came out.

1 Fatali, 1 Ring of fire, and 1 Naga morich strange mix. Im pretty ecxited `bout this new development in my grow. :-)

3 boxes with 24 jiffy`s in each


4 X Jalapeno
4 X Lemon drop
4 X Fatali
4 X Bulgarian carrot
4 X Habanero hot lemon
4X Habanero chocolate


4 X Tabasco
4 X Scorpion tongue
4 X Aji lemon
4 X Rocoto manzano amarillo
4 X Bhut jolokia orange
4 X Habanero Caribian red


4 X Aji rojo
4 X Aji yellow
4 X Ring of fire
4 X Early Jalapeno
4 X Nagamorich strangemix (seeds from last year, sopposed to be naga m, but turned out to be scotch b, an red savina mix)
4 X Rocoto manzano amarillo
Yes sir! another 3 sprouts today.

14 day:

1 Ring of fire
1 Fatali
1 Naga Morich stange mix

15 day:

1 Aji rojo
1 Aji yellow
1 Habanero red caribian

So 6 sofar, and funny enough 6 different sorts.
16 day:

1 Early Jalapeno
1 Habanero carabian red
1 Scorpion tongue

17 day sofar:

1 Habanero hot lemon
1 Jalapeno
1 Scorpion tongue
1 Bhut Jolokia orange

So all in all, i have 17 sorts/varieties planted, and 11 of these has already popped up, and 14 plants all in all.. sofar-

Time for some pictures i guess:



One of the newborns, Aji Rojo:


One coming up, as in today:


Ring of fire, the first to arrive on the 14th day:

Naga Morich, growing nice and slow, waiting for spring/summer, planted in November:


Overwintered plants, Red Savina, very healthy, no aphids bites this one, no artificial lights, nothing:


Bolivian overwintered, larger leafs off, and smaller is leafs and flowers is coming on strong now.:


And these overwintered, has really been cut down, due to aphids and lack of energi offcourse, no light, and lots of leafes to deal with(jalapenos, and 1 fish)


Thats all for now.

14 day:

1 Ring of fire
1 Fatali
1 Naga Morich stange mix

15 day:

1 Aji rojo
1 Aji yellow
1 Habanero red caribian

16 day:

1 Early Jalapeno
1 Habanero carabian red
1 Scorpion tongue

17 day :

1 Habanero hot lemon
1 Jalapeno
1 Scorpion tongue
1 Bhut Jolokia orange

18 day:

2 Aji rojo
1 Aji lemon
1 Ring of fire
1 Early Jalapeno
1 Jalapeno
1 Chili lemon drop
1 Naga morich stange mix
1 Habanero Chocolate
1 Habanero carabian red

19 day:

1 Aji yellow
1 Tabasco

20 day:

1 Early Jalapeno
1 Scorpion tongue
1 Aji yellow
1 Bulgarian carrot

21 day:


22 day:

1 Bulgarian carrot

23 day:

1 Ring of fire

Wich makes this total:

1 Aji lemon
3 Aji rojo
3 Aji yellow

1 Bhut jolokia orange
2 Bulgarian carrot

1 Chili lemon drop

4 Early jalapeno

1 Fatali

3 Habanero carabian red
1 Habanero chocolate
1 Habanero hot lemon

2 Jalapeno

2 Naga morich strange mix

3 Ring of fire

3 Scorpion tongue

1 Tabasco

+ my 8 mature plants

So now ive got all sorts sprouted, except 1, and thats the Rocotto manzano, wich ive been told can be tricky to wake up, and it take time, so i`l wait then :-)

32 have now sprouted, wich means im upto a total of 40 plants at this point. Now im considering maybe to plant some more seeds, or maybe just to stop and see if more should pop up.

40 plants might be more than enough, considering i had 14 plants last season, and that was plenty to enjoy myself with.

Not sure yet.....

happy growing out there..

5 newcomers since day 23, so they are still comming along, and finally ROCOTO MANZANO AMARILLO arrived today, yay.

14 day:

1 Ring of fire
1 Fatali
1 Naga Morich stange mix

15 day:

1 Aji rojo
1 Aji yellow
1 Habanero red caribian

16 day:

1 Early Jalapeno
1 Habanero carabian red
1 Scorpion tongue

17 day :

1 Habanero hot lemon
1 Jalapeno
1 Scorpion tongue
1 Bhut Jolokia orange

18 day:

2 Aji rojo
1 Aji lemon
1 Ring of fire
1 Early Jalapeno
1 Jalapeno
1 Chili lemon drop
1 Naga morich stange mix
1 Habanero Chocolate
1 Habanero carabian red

19 day:

1 Aji yellow
1 Tabasco

20 day:

1 Early Jalapeno
1 Scorpion tongue
1 Aji yellow
1 Bulgarian carrot

22 day:

1 Bulgarian carrot

23 day:

1 Ring of fire

31 day:

1 Ring of fire

32 day:

1 Jalapeno
1 Bhut Jolokia orange

35 day:

1 Aji yellow
1 Rocoto manzano amarillo

Wich makes this total:

numbers / planted

37/72 (51.4%)

1/4 Aji lemon
3/4 Aji rojo
4/4 Aji yellow

2/4 Bhut jolokia orange
2/4 Bulgarian carrot

1/4 Chili lemon drop

4/4 Early jalapeno

1/4 Fatali

3/4 Habanero carabian red
1/4 Habanero chocolate
1/4 Habanero hot lemon

3/4 Jalapeno

2/4 Naga morich strange mix

4/4 Ring of fire

1/8 Rocoto manzano amarillo

3/4 Scorpion tongue

1/4 Tabasco
you sure do keep track of things well!

good work on your germination process.
Denmark Must be a fun place to grow, are you going to be growing these outside in soil or hydro?
Hello Noshownate

We have spring March till May, summer late may-a bit into September. And i live on a small island in Denmark, at the almost southeren part in Denmark, called Bornholm. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&sou...5.149843,14.867249&spn=6.493408,13.095703&z=6

Wich gives us very nice and long warm summers, due to the sea being warmed up during summer, and stores alot of heat, to give us way into September.

I grow my chilis in pots outside, just as i did last year, this year no smaller than 5 ltrs. I have an unheated outdoorlivingroom, wich they can seek some coverage in very stormy weather, or in the early cold nights in May. And ive gotten myself a greenhouse this year, wich im thinking about letting some of the slow sorts grow in, but i have quite alot of these slow ones this year, so how many will be placed in there, im not sure.

But Denmarks just fine for growing chilis, nice summers, and all, its not cold as in Norway, or Finland by any means.
16 November came, and i finally got this years harvest done.

Its been a crazy growyear, due to the weather here in Denmark. It has been 25 years since we`ve had so much snow, and to top that July was the hottest July ever recorded. So pretty stressfull condition for my chilis, and many got sunteint extreme, they got burned, and had to start over and grow new leafes, and so on.

I had some plants not producing at all, the weather surely is responsible here. Bhut Jolokias, Tabasco, Aji Rojo and yellow, and Fatali didnt do their job that well. On the other hand i had no problem with all the others sorts. Those Aji`s is to much "i wanna grow big" instead of producing some pods. Tabasco and Fatali got their flowers, but way to late. Aji Lemon tho, did produce.

I got some huge chilipods, from some Scorpion tongue seeds, only one plant/seed turned out this way, and they got heat aswell, they are up to 14cm around, and 7cm long.

Hope i have some stabilseeds here, they have potential.

All in all, i ended up with 12 different sorts i think..1...2..3.. yeah 12.

1.st year i germinated in April, this year Febuary, next year.. March. It was way to early this year, they couldnt adjust to the hard sun.

But ehem.. i really just wanted to get some pics into this thread, so here we go:

My different sorts
Scorpion ToungeXL, Habanero, Scorpion tongue, Habanero Chocolate, Habanero Carabian red, Habanero hot lemon.

Jalapeno, Bulgarian Carrot, ring of fire, Chili lemon drop, Aji lemon, Bolivian rainbow.

Heres the scorpion tongue in the middle, and the quite bigger ones one the side, as said before one scorpion tongue seed produced the big ones.


Inside the big one:

And what i am doing right now, getting myself some seed, so that`ll save some money next year, selfsuplied ftw. :dance:
Nice pics. I like the 8 month gap between posts :rofl:

I am in the same place now that you were in the beginning; waiting for the little green hooks to pop up.

Why :banghead:
can't :banghead:
they :banghead:
just :banghead:
pop :banghead:
up!!! :banghead: