Not sure if this is a state by state issue or throughout....
Being in my first official summer of business I have signed up to take part in 3-4 farmers markets per week, and each one seems to have a different view of the laws involved, especially when it comes to the labeling of my sauces.
I'll use BLACKBERRY BELLE for example purposes.

Some of the farmers markets were fine with everything I submitted, but I have hit a wall with one.
There problem is that I have listed my business address on the label, rather than the address of where the sauces were manufactured/bottled. They are insisting, that unless I am M/B the sauces in Montague, NJ, then I am misrepresenting the company, and they won't issue the health certificate in order for me to be allowed to sell at this one market. They want me to either create new labels (which I can't do as I already have ordered large amounts of each), or create a supplemental label which can be affixed to the bottle when selling at the FM.
This was not brought up by any other entity I have reached out to in regards to selling my stuff....
For an example.....High River Sauces uses the owners home address on their label. I know that Endorphin Farms in Florida bottles and manufactures.....I have a lot of sauces in my house and am looking at the labels of a lot of these sauces and nobody seems to have the manufacturer mentioned on the labels. And these are sacues that I know are in retail larger locations and stores....
Not a real big deal, if it makes my life easier, before I goto print the next batch of labels, I will add this info.....but I am unclear as to if this is mandatory, a state by state thing? a case by case thing, a ballbuster thing? a farmers market thing? an insurance issue?
I'll do it if the law says so, but does that mean that all my fellow peers are in the wrong to and just a matter of time before someone lays down the law and makes us all do it?
Being in my first official summer of business I have signed up to take part in 3-4 farmers markets per week, and each one seems to have a different view of the laws involved, especially when it comes to the labeling of my sauces.
I'll use BLACKBERRY BELLE for example purposes.

Some of the farmers markets were fine with everything I submitted, but I have hit a wall with one.
There problem is that I have listed my business address on the label, rather than the address of where the sauces were manufactured/bottled. They are insisting, that unless I am M/B the sauces in Montague, NJ, then I am misrepresenting the company, and they won't issue the health certificate in order for me to be allowed to sell at this one market. They want me to either create new labels (which I can't do as I already have ordered large amounts of each), or create a supplemental label which can be affixed to the bottle when selling at the FM.
This was not brought up by any other entity I have reached out to in regards to selling my stuff....
For an example.....High River Sauces uses the owners home address on their label. I know that Endorphin Farms in Florida bottles and manufactures.....I have a lot of sauces in my house and am looking at the labels of a lot of these sauces and nobody seems to have the manufacturer mentioned on the labels. And these are sacues that I know are in retail larger locations and stores....
Not a real big deal, if it makes my life easier, before I goto print the next batch of labels, I will add this info.....but I am unclear as to if this is mandatory, a state by state thing? a case by case thing, a ballbuster thing? a farmers market thing? an insurance issue?
I'll do it if the law says so, but does that mean that all my fellow peers are in the wrong to and just a matter of time before someone lays down the law and makes us all do it?