labels-artwork Labels and nutritional values

Still want to make a vanity sauce but if I do it will be copack and label company.  So dont need to know this cause if I do it it will be someone elses problem.  But kind of wonder how in the heck anyone knows the nutritional value of the various peppers to create a complaint label for ingredients and nutritional value.

Do they have figures for generic peppers and just sort of go by what a "chili pepper" has in it for all the different peppers?  Same for garlic, onions, and other ingredients.  How in the hell do they know the nutritional value?

There are programs that have all that info figured out, and yes, to a degree it is an average.  They break out green bell peppers, colored bell peppers and hot peppers, which would include everything that's not a bell pepper.  Onions are just onions.  Although I would imagine there are minute differences between Sweet/Vialia/WallaWalla, yellow, white or purple/red onions, for the purpose of a NIP they are all just onions.  I think scallions are listed separate from other onions.
IIRC, fresh peppers are also separated from dried chiles.  Garlic, fresh and garlic, dried/powder are separated, same for onion fresh/dried. 
There are some free programs out there, SmokenFire's linked to some and there's one from DownUnder.  It's in a post around here somewhere... :lol:... We always encourage people to make their sauces using weights if possible.  Getting a NIP is one reason to have the recipe by weight, preferable grams.
btw...I think I've posted this to you before, but hobby sauces and small processors do not have to have NIPs!  Professional sauces must have a free exemption on file with the FDA.  If you do a vanity sauce, don't worry about a NIP, but the label should have a proper ingredients list.  There's just too many allergies around, hate to make a friend or family ill because of a missed ingredient.  I know you are aware of this, aj, mostly just for others reading the post. 
Was just kind of wondering how folk figure it all out.  Had no clue there was software, but if I do do that route it is definitely going to be more of a rely on the copacker and label maker folk.  Even with software, I would be all paranoid of doing something wrong.  Thinking the best way to say how I feel is to say that I want someone else to blame cause not confident in my own organizational skills. 

BTW: Goofing around with a white sauce, white onion, white ghost pepper.  It is kind of fun, but mainly based on what is in the freezer.
If you get to the point of needing a NIP, you will be working with a food lab and process authority for other stuff like pH and shelf stability. They can do the nutrition info...for an additional fee, of course...
Just another example of deferring to someone else's definition of reality.  You look at a label and just accept it as truth even though you have no idea whats really in the bottle, you decide to trust a piece of paper.  In the end the truth is revealed by the lie, It can say anything on the label because it doesn't really matter.  Its just a platitude to give the illusion of safety. When was an Ecoli outbreak ever prevented by a label?