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seeds Lack of Nitrogen? Too Much Water? I've Got Yellowing Seedlings

Any tips here appreciated.

These guys are in their original 72-cell tray. Most plants in the tray are just fine (all in need of a pot up excluded).

I'm seeing yellowing on just a few plants, and it's very mild. But I want to beat whatever it might be.

I'm misting them on average about 1.5X per day (sometimes 2X, sometimes just 1) and occasionally bottom watering. I have fertilized once, about two weeks back, with very mild bird guano. They get seaweed in their mist.

What am I missing?

Tried to include two difference lighting shots for an idea of the color difference. They are the same plant.

And finally, the purple showing on the third photo is...?

TIA for any assistance.
I'm not an expert, so others will undoubtedly have a more accurate answer. But perhaps it's the fact that it needs to be potted up that is causing the yellowing. As for the purple leaves, I'm pretty sure that is okay. I've read a lot on here that the purpling is like sunblock for the plants. It means they are getting a lot of light.
I'm not an expert, so others will undoubtedly have a more accurate answer. But perhaps it's the fact that it needs to be potted up that is causing the yellowing. As for the purple leaves, I'm pretty sure that is okay. I've read a lot on here that the purpling is like sunblock for the plants. It means they are getting a lot of light.

Thx cm26. They are definitely overdue for a pot up. I have been unable to do so at this point, but will hopefully get to it this weekend. That's also my first flat I planted on 12/29.

Love to hear more theories. About to lightly fertilize them once more today and then pot up this weekend (fingers crossed I get to them).
I noticed the same thing with one of my plants, I've been potting them as they get big enough so their fert regimens have been somewhat inconsistent... the only difference between the two below is that the one on the left went longer between fertilizing and it nearly dried out completely when my housemate forgot to water them while I was out of town. An easy fix that I always have trouble diagnosing. In my experience it has always been nitrogen or something to do with the watering.

I'd say go for the light fertilizing.. my mom's tomato plants were in their cells too long and the leaves started to yellow and die eventually.. it looks like those cells are the larger jiffy cells so I guess it isn't AS bad.. but should be potted up much sooner for your next time around..

but the fact that the other plants are not yellowing as much could mean that there is too much water sitting in the bottom at one spot. but really they look big enough to be able to soak up the water for those cells, because those cells usually don't hold water that well.. and as far as the purpeing of the leaf, purpleing is ok, as long as it doesn't get worse.. if that is the only type of pepper of that kind you have, and is the only one purpling (like I had a few of my Tepins purple because they had more light than they needed.. so I moved them to the edge away from the light a little and they got better) but if that is the only 1 getting purple and you have more of that type of pepper, then it might be something else.. maybe it is just the picture, but it looks a little different than the purple that my leaves had.. but then again, one of the pics I took did look similar.. but those leaves had been burned because I left them under the light at the time that was too powerful.. so I would just make sure to re-pot them as soon as possible.. don't wait another week, and move that plant to the edge of your grow area/potting area and see if it gets better
Just used the classic method of SEARCH and found that it may well be nitrogen. I fertilized just now. We'll see how they go...
Nice to know that purple is good sunblock *I love the color purple* Some of the flowers also on peppers look beautiful, we have lots of bee's in arizona so there going to love these plants im growing, onlything I wish I could do is have a bee hive for my own honey for my tea >:) man I'm a nut haha.
In general your plants look really nice. The light might be hitting the purple guy a little strong so if he's in the center maybe move him closer to the edges of the light. As far as the yellowing, it's so slight that I don't think it's too bad but I would give em a tiny bump of ferts to tide them over and pot them into some nice fertile soil soon.