Lactobacillus Serum

Followed an interesting link in the Hot Sauce making threads about how to use Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) as a beneficial bacteria in the garden and through out the house too. When I google'd the topic I found several other articles about it too. According to the first video this is something done traditionally in Korean farming for years, known as Bokashi Composting, it is becoming a hot topic in Permaculture. 
Here's the initial video I saw on it:
and another link found:
Might give this a go.
I started the Sauce for my daughters wedding last night and it is by far the largest batch of sauce I've made at 3 gallons. Actually it's probably a little more than that but anh, what's a little more sauce  :) Since I had a bunch of Whey for starting the sauce I used a little bit of it to start a batch of the Lacto Serum talked about in the video at the first link in my last post. Here's a shot of the rice wash:

In the video he collects the LAB from the air. I'm trying a little different tact since I already had Whey with the lacto in it. I've added some of the whey to the rice wash and am giving it a week for the lacto to propagate. At the end of the week I'll continue following his methods. When it's done and ready I'll try some side by side comparisons.  Right now I'm thinking about 3 plants, 1 grown with Mycos, 1 with lacto and 1 with both and seeing how they compare.
Followed an interesting link in the Hot Sauce making threads about how to use Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) as a beneficial bacteria in the garden and through out the house too.
I think that was my topic.. I thought no one was interested!
I am doing my research from here..
I have made the serum and now experimenting with fermenting seaweed.. Yesterday,I chopped up the seaweed fine and put it in a liter bottle (Plastic) added 1/3 of seaweed weight with brown sugar ,2 tlbs spoons of serum and the rest water.(2" from top).
This morning the bottle was close to exploding!! Lol.. I cracked the lid to let out the C02 but I think I`d better make an air lock real quick.
Next project is to get a kilo of fish  brewing in a gallon water bottle to make fish hydrolystate fertilizer.
I also got the bokashi bin going with the serum added in layers..They say its best to leave it in for a month before buring it in the ground to release all the good stuff..
Intriguing subject and it seems like the use`s are endless.
BTW..I started my Hot pepper ferment yesterday with it and its bubbling good.

From what I understand you have to mix the rice water with ten times milk (airlock required) because the good bacteria thrive on it whilst the bad competing bacteria do not.. After a week or so all you really have left is the lactobacillius which you can even add to things like milk to make yogurt and stuff.. Not only is it good for plants,its good for us too..
You either have to keep it in the ref to preserve or add simple sugars like molasses.. This calms down the brew.
The guy in unconventional farmer also makes "Super lacto"  by feeding the serum smaller amounts of molasses and creating a heavily populated colony.. A serious organic digester.. This has to be done Oxygen free to stop the bad bacteria colonizing so best to brew it with an air lock... Really Cool stuff.