food Last jar of salsa blues


Yes, it's a cooked salsa from last year. Canning ftw.
Tomatoes, green peppers, and of course a lot of orange habs. All from my garden. Some olive oil and garlic. I haven't planted olive trees and garlic plants yet.
Kidding. No way I'm ever going to grow olives.

As much as a cooked and canned salsa can taste fresh, I enjoy tasting the fruits of last year's labors in my garden.

The salsa is good, but my hot sauce, and I'll try and get a pic of a dessert spoon full of it, is what really makes this om nom nom worthy.

Gobs of orange habanero. White and apple cider vinegar.
The thing that made it such a good batch, a pear and some honey. I think the time spent in it's happy preserving home of a mason jar over the winter did a world of good. Heat is there, hab taste is there, but the sweetness, ahhh, the sweetness. It's an almost syrupy feel without the heaviness. Rich with fruity flavor from the pear and that lovely honey taste. The heat fades, but the fruity sweetness lingers for ages.

I think I may set aside some peppers this year from my concentrate project and make a run of hot sauce. This stuff is too damned good to not make this year.
I used a pear in some salsa I made last fall and it was by far the best I made. Had a couple of buds screaming for more. Got to agree with Skydiver, pears make a huge difference. Good luck to you this year.
Hmmmm pears. Sounds interesting. I will have to try that. I make them with pineapple and another with mango, but never pear.
JayT said:
Hmmmm pears. Sounds interesting. I will have to try that. I make them with pineapple and another with mango, but never pear.

The pear is still fruity and sweet but not so in your face. Makes a nice mellow sauce. Myself I prefer the mango/carrot or pina/carrot combo. The mango though I am slightly allergic so I gotta be careful with it. Too much and it blows my lips up and also has the roto rooter effect goin' on.

Cheers, TB.
I tried carrots at first, I don't know why but it seemed to me that they made the sauce taste saltier than it actually was and made the texture just a wee bit off of what I was aiming for.

This year, I may just chuck a few of the elderberries that are growing on my neighbor's tree in there and maybe cut down the amount of honey.

Can't wait to experiment again, half the fun of it sometimes.