Lazy Chicken Marinade

I have this marinating right now and want to share it with everyone but there aren't enough seats at my house so you can make it yourself. I'm taking this to a Christmas relative bash tomorrow.

Cut up a tray of Chicken thighs (seriously people - breasts better on people - thighs better on chicken)
Put in a bowl and mix in a whole freakin jar of Basil Pesto! Don't be stingey, life is too short.
Leave covered overnight in the fridge.
Thread onto sticks and grill or BBQ.

Soooooooooooooooooo tasty. :drooling:

It's better when you make your own pesto with fresh garlic and toasted pinenuts but my plants haven't grown big enough to be picked over yet.

If your friends and relatives aren't complete wussies then definitely mix in some chilli !

You get lots of compliments with this one and it's no effort.
I took it to that BBQ and got some compliments but I had a cold at the time and everything tasted like cardboard :(