Leaf coloring

Can anyone tell me if the coloring on the leafs in the picture is anything to worry about. The plants are growing great and the new flower pods are not falling off anymore since I cut back the old growth.
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The best way I can describe is there are a few leafs with brown coloring along the inside of the leaf stem. Some of them the brown expands just beyond. The rest of the leaf is nice and green.
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Thanks. I should have seen that.
Here is the picture. So far, all new bud growth has not fallen off and I should have some flowering within a few days. I set the plant in full sun and it is doing great. It gets fairly windy so should I worry about trying to pollinate the buds?


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SwedishGhost said:
​Looks like sun scald to me. Have you been UV dosing them a bit too much recently?

All I have done is move them from the Florida room to outside in full sun after I topped them off. The old leaves would wilt quick but the new growth so far has stayed stiff and straight. Right now I would say I'm still at 12 hrs of daylight. ~7am -7pm.
There you go. It's sun scald. Due to the limited extent I would probably not do anything. Next time I do recommend you to gradually expose them to UV light (i.e. the naked sun). First day an hour, next day maybe 2, etc. Do note that windows block UV.
SwedishGhost said:
There you go. It's sun scald. Due to the limited extent I would probably not do anything. Next time I do recommend you to gradually expose them to UV light (i.e. the naked sun). First day an hour, next day maybe 2, etc. Do note that windows block UV.

Excellent. I'll keep that in mind next year. Thanks!