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Leaf Curl and Yellowing of leaves

Hello everyone. This is my first post. I have three pepper plants in pots and some bananna pepper seeds that are about an inch tall. This is my first attempt at growing peppers.

The plants I have are jalapeno, habs, and tabasco. The jalapeno's look great, however the habs and the tabasco show signs of leaf curl and some yellowing. I recently fertilized with fish fertilizer at 1/4 strength and added a tsp of bone meal to each plant.

The habs and the tabasco had some aphids which I sprayed with a spray for veg plants and also sprayed with some dish detergent and water mixed. The wind here is been horrible and I had them on my patio for a couple of weeks. I think part of the problem could be leaf damage and part from the aphids. The aphids appear to be gone. With that said, the hab plant appears to be getting better, but the tabasco plant is not looking so good. I've been putting them outside in the evenings to get about 4 hrs of sun per day.

I have lightly watered about once a week and the soil is damp. Should I clip the leaves that are not looking good to make room for the new growth or just leave them alone? I know it is hard to make a determination without looking at pictures. I will post some this afternoon.

I appreciate any help.
hey chilehead70301 welcome to the forum

Seems like most of the damage was done by the aphids.... the soapy spray should do the trick...... if all the aphids are gone and the new growth appear to be normal, then things should be back on track. What usually happens is that aphids love the new growth, and when the small leaves are "deformed" by the aphids, when they get larger, the deformation becomes more pronounced. Calcium from the bone is good for leaf curl and so to is magnesium..... trying mixing a small amount of epsom salts in water and apply as a foliar fert...... when i had aphid problems, i just pinch off the affected leaves after they were gone and allow the new growth to flourish.... pre-emptively spray the new growth to protect against further aphid attacks

as for the yellowing of the leaves it could be caused by many things including but not limited to drought or over-watering, over or under-fertilization, low light conditions etc......... if u got some pics then i'm sure there are alot more pple on the forum who can give u assistance.....
Thanks Trinicoolieboy. I appreciate the info. I kinda figured it was the aphid damage. I've been spraying daily for the last three days and I don't see any new aphids. I will try the epsom salt today. I will also post some pictures when I get home from work.
Here are a few pictures. The jalapeno has some buds, but the habs and the tabasco do not. It appears I finally rid the plants of aphids so I hope they start growing. I also got my Bhut seeds in today. Will plant some this weekend. Hopefull they will germinate and I can at least have a couple this year.




Mine look worse....

Then again, I bought them at Wal-Mart and just planted them in regular ol' dirt.

They'll survive.....but won't be very big, I'm sure.