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Leaf Curl - Pepper Virus recovery

Tried doing some research. Not much on how plant physiology handles virus's though. Can plants eventually recover from viral infections like the chilli mosaic virus etc.

I have a few of my lovelies showing leaf curl symptoms. I don't want to have to pull them up seeing it was a hard slog to begin with getting them to the size they are now.
pictures pls.... leaf curl can be caused by broad mites.... which is curable.. after you destroy the infestation. :)
If you do have broad mites, you'll probably need something a little stronger than Confidor. ;)

The other thing is, plants may still continue to show signs of new damage for some time after the eradication of broad mites due to the toxin they inject into the plant while feeding. Nasty, nasty stuff! :(
Leaf curl is seldom caused by a virus although the symptoms may look similar, there are a number of environmental factors that can cause it. Be sure it is not any mix of under/over-watering, under/over fertilizing, too much heat/cold, lack of sunlight hours, pest damage or pesticide/herbicide exposure. I used various solutions for pest control in the beginning of this season and all of them produced some degree of leaf curl, the plants functioned fine and sorted themselves out with normal new growth later on.