Leaf Damage?

This is my first year growing peppers.
One of my Jalapeno plants has a leaf that has had a hard life.  I was wondering if you could help identify why the leaf is becoming translucent.  Should I do anything about this leaf?
Also, there is a round bug bite of some sort visible to the right of the tear.  I am curious as to what is making these. 


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im learning and trying to help people myself, so ill take a look around and ask my farmer friends see if i can find out for you man
if it is just 1 leaf, snip it off and pretend it didn't happen. if it is the whole plant then you would have something to address.
i get all sorts of crap on my leaves and just pinch them off. the plant will grow new healthier leaves. sometimes i will just shake a plant to get all the sickly leaves off and any flowers that need to drop.....no sense hoping on a flower that may just rot and drop in a few days, the plant can put time into productive areas.
good luck and good growing.
Bronzing on the underside of the leaves could be spider mites. Was there any tiny webbing on the plant? imparicular that specific leaf?
If not mites, I'd say sun burn
I also am having this problem, teeny little holes on some of my leaves. I did see a spider mite on my purple coffe though. how do you treat it?
Palgrave said:
I also am having this problem, teeny little holes on some of my leaves. I did see a spider mite on my purple coffe though. how do you treat it?
Remove all infected leaves from the plant, seperate or isolate infected plants from healthy plants.
Try spraying the infected plants with this, it's organic
I also recommend using a magnifying glass with good magnication and inspecting the leaves of your plants! spider mites are smaller then red mites and chiggers, so they will be very hard to spot w/o magnification!
Thanks for the welcome and all of the info.  It was just that leaf, so I will remove it and hope no others end up the same way.
I just checked and don't see any mites or tiny webbing.  
It has started getting into the 90's here.  Are the leaves more vulnerable if they have been flipped over by the wind so that the sun is hitting the bottom of the leaf?
Edit: I will check again with magnification for spider mites.