Leaf Discoloration ID

As an intro, I'm one season deep on any kind of gardening, so be gentle and kind.  Last winter I went through the process of starting a few seeds and planned a container garden for the coming spring/summer.  This simple task has turned into a much larger obsession on growing plants, peppers etc.  I was successful at getting a multitude of pepper plants to grow and fruit in my garden, namely Jalapeno, Carolina Reaper, Bell/Sweet Peppers, etc.  Mostly 2-3 plants in 5 gallon containers, a mix-match of fabric pots and standard plastic pots.
Flash forward, I could let a few of my favorite die over the winter and decided I needed to build a grow space indoors.  That began the process of getting a 4x4x7 indoor tent, inline fan for cooling and a few LED lights.  (2x600w & 1x960w) for the tent...  I cut back my Caroline Reaper plants (2) which were beautiful when I pruned them for storage.  Since then, they have grow a whole new set of leaves, very nice and green until recently, when I began to see discoloration.  I've been using Fish Emulsions once a month and watering until saturated every 2 weeks.  Today, I went into my tent, and found discolored foliage (attached).
Temp in the tent ranges from 60 when dark to 80 peak when lights are on for while.  Lights are on 16, off 8 off cycle.  I've been using regular tap water aired out with a bubble stone for 24/48 hours.  
Any suggestions or just let it ride and see what happens?


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Updated Pictures, didn't have time to pull the plant from the tent this morning but it's clear this coloring is appearing on additional leaves.  Any suggestions would be helpful.
I have Kelp Extract & Worm Castings coming, going to try a flush of the soil then re-fertilize and see what happens over the coming days.


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ACK!  Just did some research and ordered Neem Oil extract just in case it's the fugas.  Hopefully between a flush/feeding and Neem it'll stop the progress.
Still struggling with this, the lower leaves though so I'm hoping it's run it;s course and was nutes BUT I also took the time to do some testing on my home tap water.  It appears direct from the tap my water runs in the upward of 8.5 PH..  I'm thinking this may be the root cause (pun intended) of my problem...
Usually what I do is fill up a 5gal water bottle and throw an air pump in it for 24-48 hours to drive off any baddies, I didn't suspect I needed to test PH. What is the preferred method of PH Adjustment, the entire 5 gallosn OR the small amounts (64-128oz) when I actually water?