Leaf drop and necrosis... Viral disease?

Hey gang, 
Hoping you can help me with a weird one: 
This is a Mojo Blackie  that's been in my grow room since late winter, and I've been carefully topping  to encourage side growth before it goes outside (probably next week or two, been a cold winter in Chicago)
here's what I'm noticing: Splotchy chlorosis on younger leaves, leading to necrosis and leaf drop. Some symptoms on nearby plants, most plants asymptomatic. Similar symptoms on a Weapon X plant back in January, but it grew out of them. 
Soil Mix:   5 parts Miracle grow potting soil : 1.5 parts worm castings : 1 part manure : 1 part Pearlie 
Fertilizer: Foxfarm 6-4-4 at 50% strength every 3rd week 
Light: 15 hrs, LED broad spectrum 
What do you think? Physiologic issue? (edema causing necrosis?) or a virus?
Side View 

Top view 

Top View 2 

Grow Table: everything else looking healthy!
I will be watching this thread since I have two small plants (~50 small plants in total) that look exactly like your photo #1, except my plants are more "pelón" (without leaves). In my case, however, the symptoms became manifest a few days after treating the plants for an aphid infestation, so I more or less have thus far assumed that it is a virus brought in by the aphids.
ahayastani said:
I will be watching this thread since I have two small plants (~50 small plants in total) that look exactly like your photo #1, except my plants are more "pelón" (without leaves). In my case, however, the symptoms became manifest a few days after treating the plants for an aphid infestation, so I more or less have thus far assumed that it is a virus brought in by the aphids.
 Looks like it's got both of us stumped! 

What are your grow temperatures like? I have mine indoors still, and the grow lights keep the room around 80 degrees. I'm careful to let the soil dry out between waterings (to limit the potential for bacteria) 

Since we're indoors, we have no aphids. And there are  no smokers in the house (should exclude TMV) 

I'm at a loss, but i'm hoping it doesn't spread. I'm planning to isolate symptomatic plants until we have a concrete diagnosis. 
I'm in a tropical lowland region. The last few days were somewhat milder, like 31-33°C at midday and 23-25°C during the night. The first seasonal rains have arrived, which makes the that the temperatures drop a few degrees. Before that, plants were at 35-38°C during the day and 25-30° at night.
There are many pests here, but only aphids and red spider mite have posed issues. Especially the latter proved devastating to some of my non-pepper crops, and not much I can do about it since their "mother nest" is a gigantic papaya from one of the neighbours.
So far, I haven't noticed that the disease is transferred from plant-to-plant - it should have had plenty of opportunity to do so. Perhaps it needs sap-sucking insects as carrier/host.