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Leaf Issue 02-18-09


Got to lookin' at my seedlings this evening and noticed one of them has some weird marks on the leaves...here are some pics with a macro lens...

I don't see any critters, so that is leading me to believe it is a fungus...the third photo makes me think this with the mass in the middle with the outer edges "decayed"...

Any opinions as to what this might be?



approximately 60X

Pam said:
Can you back up the camera and see the whole seedling? I can't get perspective.

Yup...back in a minute.....



thanks pam...I would hate to find out it was one on those...

:investigation continues...reding links...:
Yeah, that would be bad, but a quick thumb through Pepper Diseases: A Field Guide didn't turn up any other obvious suspects.

That hydro stuff you use is complete, isn't it?
imaguitargod said:
I might also suggest sun sculding. Been misting your plants lately?

Nothing has been on the leaves and they are in my "grow box" under lights....with about 25 Fataliis...this is a devils tongue...this is the only one with this issue...

Pam said:
Yeah, that would be bad, but a quick thumb through Pepper Diseases: A Field Guide didn't turn up any other obvious suspects.

That hydro stuff you use is complete, isn't it?

yup...complete fertilize...it's the botanicare pro-grow for soil...plant is very sturdy and healthy otherwise...

caroltlw said:
Get any nitrogen on the leaves somehow? Kinda looks burnt to me from here.

nothing that I know of...

I have it isolated from the other plants now and will just watch it for now...I thought bugs of some sort at first...even thought about leaf miners but can't see any critters under a magnifying glass...

if it worsens, it will be incinerated...