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leaf issue

i have a few leaves on my plants the were touching the soil in my pots i trimmed them in half b/c they were curling from touching the soil did i ruin my plants b/c a friend told me i just stunted the growth of my plants.i didnt think that doing this wiould be a bad thing was i right or did i screw the pooch lol.
I would definitely cut the entire leaves off. Unlikely that it will noticeably hurt the health of the plant, in fact it will probably help in the long run.
After some schultz's insecticidal soap fried my plants I did this at first and cut off the bad parts... it actually seemed to work ok... some plants do not handle it well, but others are not so bad...

eventually I just cut them off but I doubt it would hurt anything to trim the brown off for a while... but if they are low enough to touch the dirt it may be better to just cut them off anyway

I would definitely cut the entire leaves off. Unlikely that it will noticeably hurt the health of the plant, in fact it will probably help in the long run.