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Leaf problem?


This is my douglah. So this one true leaf just has been giving me problems. It actually just fell off when i touched it.

Top view of it

Underside of it

The new growth seems perfectly fine, nice green and no wrinkling, least to my inexperienced eye.


Heres one of my morouga, my douglah is actually older but looks worse.


Any idea on what I could do to improve growth? I did just water my douglah today, seemed like it needed it. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.
as plants grow the lower leaves will die and fall off. all you have to do is make sure the plants are not too wet and get a little food and light and they will be fine. quit over thinking everything and let your plants grow. too much think= killing them with too much care.
as plants grow the lower leaves will die and fall off. all you have to do is make sure the plants are not too wet and get a little food and light and they will be fine. quit over thinking everything and let your plants grow. too much think= killing them with too much care.

Well first time grower here so my bad. When I think of healthly plants I for sure don't think of leaves falling off, especially since their young. :|
this is only my second year. word of advice. just use the search function do some looking and reading you will discover LOTS of info! i spent hours looking for answers for my questions and once i could not find them, i would post a question. please dont take this the wrong way. i am jsut giving advice that was given to me when i first joined and well i would think i had a problem, searched for what i thought was the problem and read and read and read, and in the process i would learn TONS of new stuff.

Your Morouga looks pretty darn good to me. Maybe time to pot up, hard to tell the size of cup from that pix. How do the roots look? When do you plant out in Moscow?

Your Morouga looks pretty darn good to me. Maybe time to pot up, hard to tell the size of cup from that pix. How do the roots look? When do you plant out in Moscow?

Hehe . Im just kidding. I'm from Chicago. Im waiting for mothers day then they are going out in 3 gallon buckets. Going to start hardening them off in the next two weeks or so. The cup is smaller then a solo cup. May came too fast and i got somewhat of a late start so i might just have to wait for aome to grow up to be big like my morouga.
Thanks for the compliment.
You're probably good to go, but I'd slip the plant out of the cup to check the root system. If it is already tight, you'd benefit from putting it into a slightly larger solo cup, 18-oz would do. Moisten and loosen up the root ball, insert into new home. The two weeks before final plant out will give it a head start in its final 3-gallon home.

If root ball is not tight, disregard.

Man, I hope I can get a mid-May plant out. Last couple of years around here has been more like end of May and into June. The difference for me is the additional pot-up I mentioned above if the season is delayed.