Leaf Spot? Help!

Hey all, 
Is this bacterial leaf spot?  I'm noticing these brown/black necrotic patches on the younger leaves of a number of my peppers. I've started all of these in a single room indoors, and I've noticed the symptoms spreading to a handful of plants. 
I've segregated everything symptomatic as much as I can, but I'm hoping to get a confirmation before I cull the symptomatic pants.  :(
Thanks for your help in advance! 

boutros said:
It doesn’t look like bacterial leaf spot to me. BLS is usually more pronounced, more legit spotty..p
Thanks boutros. whatever it is, it seems to be killing the effected leaves, and spreading to the stems of young plants. 

Man, I know BLS can spread to stems... I had a total crop loss of it one year but the spots looked different. I guess you can’t rule it out.

When I had it, separated and eventually got rid of the plants and dirt even containers.
boutros said:
Man, I know BLS can spread to stems... I had a total crop loss of it one year but the spots looked different. I guess you can’t rule it out.

When I had it, separated and eventually got rid of the plants and dirt even containers.
Yeah, that's what's got me stumped. It's not a dead ringer for the clinical presentation of BLS, but  the symptoms are worrying. Growth seems slower too. 

What would you do in this situation? I've got them segregated for now, and would hate to cull them all but don't want to lose my whole grow! 
Honestly, if it were mine I’d probably get rid of the ones that were affected. That is easy for me to say as I’ve lost a years grow before. But difficult to tell somebody else to do to their stuff.

I’ve tried various copper sprays before with limited success.

Are these indoor/outdoor?
I had something like this happen to one of my indoor plants a few years ago.  I threw out the plant, soil, and pot.  To my mind, it's easier to start over than trying to chase a problem that may just kill the plant anyways.
Major Pain said:
I had something like this happen to one of my indoor plants a few years ago.  I threw out the plant, soil, and pot.  To my mind, it's easier to start over than trying to chase a problem that may just kill the plant anyways.
I'm with you guys on this one. Much as it pains me, I think I might have to just get rid of my symptomatic plants.
Thanks for your wisdom! 