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Leaf spots and falling off?

Solanum quitoense is having some issues. Leaves start off really nice but turn yellow and brown spots within a week and fall off. It's not a pepper, but it's close enough that I figured it's probably suffering an illness that peppers do.
With limited info I am putting my money on a macronutrient issue. Is that an accurate color of the leaf? Lower leaf? Age of plant? Any shots of the entire plant or more of it atleast?
Pr0digal_son said:
With limited info I am putting my money on a macronutrient issue. Is that an accurate color of the leaf? Lower leaf? Age of plant? Any shots of the entire plant or more of it atleast?
Leaf color is fairly accurate, and it is a lower leaf as far as it can be considered such. Plant is chronologically about six months but had poor lighting until now so is closer in appearance to three.
Lower yellow leaf is the one I posted an image of above, large green leaf is the most recent full one that is starting to show signs of decay, and the vertical one is unblemished as of right now but will be yellow and falling off by Monday.