Leaves Browning

Does anyone know what this browning on my jalapeno plant could be from?  This plant is in a aeroponic tote with 5 other pepper plants and none of the other plants show these symptoms.  Other than the browning the plant looks good.  Should I pull this plant to prevent it from spreading to the others or is this something I can fix.  Thank you.
a few of mine did this too, no idea why considering they were in identical growing conditions as others doing good (like yours).
I'm sure you've already checked ph, ppm, roots
If you have any leaves on the same plant without the brown spots, please post a pic of at least one. The warping or puckering of the leaves looks a lot like fert burn, so if you have leaves that are also warped but not yet with brown spots, that could be a clue.
Had a moruga overwinter start doing that to me this winter, no other plants had issues. Happened after an aphid infestation so I thought it was the wounds that led to the infection (whatever it was).
Leaves also grew in misshappen so mine might have also had root rot or root fungus problem. I pruned it, flushed with 1/2 gallon 3% H2O2 hydrogen peroxide and the NEW growth looks normal and doesn't have splotches.
I believe the issues were separate.
You could prune the infected leaves and hope the new growth comes in clear.
(Keep in mind this is potted and not hydroponic...)
Plant (overwinter) recovered normally:
Here is new growth:

Here is old growth with starting signs of spotting:

And here is old growth with no signs of spotting:

This spotting occurred while I was still using 1/2 the recommended amount of ferts.  I just went full strength yesterday.
Whoa... yeah something is way out of whack there on the nutes.
The other plants are OK on the same system??? Check the root mass for any brown slimy decay on that one.
I'm going to bow out because I'm not a hydroponics guy; but the tips of those roots up top do look like you're having some issues with root decay. 
The plant is looks like it's getting starved of something. If you have root decay it may be trying to grow roots (and failing) at the expense of foilage.
I had the same problem in my potted plant that was suffering from root fungus, used a healthy dose of H2O2 to kill the fungus and promote root growth. New leaves are growing in like they should.
Not sure how to solve the problem on hydro though.
what nutes are you running and at what formula?
do you have a ph tester and a TDS tester to see the PPM of the water/nute formula.
those roots look very poor... the roots should be fine hairs and white.... how long has that been in the setup?
JesterJoker said:
what nutes are you running and at what formula?
do you have a ph tester and a TDS tester to see the PPM of the water/nute formula.
those roots look very poor... the roots should be fine hairs and white.... how long has that been in the setup?
I am running rockwool Formula One.  I was doing half the suggested rate 1/2tsp/gal every two weeks.  Just Sunday I went full strength at one tsp./gal.  I am using RO/DI that I then supplement with botanicare's CALMAG at 5ml/gal.  It is at a PH of 6, I'm not sure what the PPM or TDS level is.  I also just started running the system at 15minON/1hrOFF cycle during the light time.  I originally had to go down to only 15mins on per day because the rockwool would get so wet the plants were showing signs of over watering. 
To wet? there growing in water....
I run deep water culture, and let the airstones run 24/7, I run DWC - deep water culture.
My deep water culture roots were like legs and about 1/2 to 1/3 the size of the plant... and crystal  white... and clean.....you could comb them.
I'm running on GH general hydroponics Flora series.. .or   Advance Nutrients Jungle Juice which are formulated the same.. and doing a 3-4ml / gallon of calmag
I think it looks like the formula is wrong... they look burnt. I ran my plants on almost no nutrients and they thrived... until the point when they showed nutrient deficiency and then I would do a water change and then they revived a bit.
ill look up the formulation of the stuff your using..
looks like its really high Nitrogen.. those are some dark green leaves and pool root system.
I say too wet because initially the roots were not sticking outside of the 2" square rockwool.  The rockwool would stay totally soaked and therefore deprive the plants of oxygen.  In DWC they can remain wet only because you oxygenate the water.  As more roots started showing I increased the watering cycle.  For newer plants hopefully that isn't an issue as I switched from rockwool to using root riot type plugs which don't hold water as well and are much smaller.  Anyway, maybe your right and I just need to switch the formula. 
I havn't grown with aeroponics so I'm at a loss with it. I think the roots look very odd.. Im used to huge roots even on smaller plants...
I actually had to root prune my roots on my DWC buckets.... because they were so huge...
Gomojoe said:
Here is new growth:

Here is old growth with starting signs of spotting:

And here is old growth with no signs of spotting:

This spotting occurred while I was still using 1/2 the recommended amount of ferts.  I just went full strength yesterday.
These are clearly fertilizer burn - too bad you upped it. However, if you use clear water and let it run through to try to work as much out of the soil as possible, things can be ok. You need to flush them well. When you do return to using ferts, use 1/4 strength to start, and don't use it every watering.
Wait until new growth starts coming in without the puckering before using ferts again.