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leaves curling and sloking.

I think I got a little problem with my Jamaican Bell's, leaves are curling and sloking. My English is not the best so I'll post a few pictures and maybe you can tell me what is wrong. I'll guess it can be overwatering because a maybe got a little too carried away before I repotted them..and right after. They had started to sloke before I've got them repotted...




and this are their habitat:

I use 2 23W CFL's, the temp are around 23-27C (73-80F, dropping down to 20C (68F) nighttime.) They are on a 18H light cycle.

Thank you for your advice!
Yes, the plant on the pictures got the driest soil of the 4 JB's and if you remove the upper layer of soil there is definitely moist under there. The soil I used when I repotted (I took what I got) had a NPK value of 14-7-15 (ph 5.5-6.5), I mixed it with a less nutrient rich soil. It says that there is leca and clay in it, anyways..the soil is pretty dense but I thought that I would make a better mix next repotting (perculite, vermiculite and such).
kaparen said:
Yes, the plant on the pictures got the driest soil of the 4 JB's and if you remove the upper layer of soil there is definitely moist under there. The soil I used when I repotted (I took what I got) had a NPK value of 14-7-15 (ph 5.5-6.5), I mixed it with a less nutrient rich soil. It says that there is leca and clay in it, anyways..the soil is pretty dense but I thought that I would make a better mix next repotting (perculite, vermiculite and such).

Hmmm, I didn't realize that soil was rated with a nute content as high as 14-7-15. Definitely too hot for a plant at that young tender age. Dilute it with compost and perlite or partially composted pine bark (pinebark fines) to losen and aerate your mix.

Edit: On second thought you might be better off to start again with a different mix. Something more airy and with very little or no nutes.
No maybe you are right, it's says "added nutrients per m³", it also says not for seeds or cuttings. Could these small plants be rated as cuttings? It's also chicken manure in it. I got some soil for cuttings and seeds left, maybe I should try stirring that together with some perculite? Can my plants recover from this or are they toast?

oh yeah, thank you for your replies. That is the good thing about American forums, you can always get some help in the middle of the night ;)
Yep, still too hot for young peppers. Repot into something with no or weak nutes, but you don't want a mix for seeds at this stage.
Just an update: You probably were right, the nutes were too hot for the plants. I repotted them and now they are fine.. thank you for your help!
